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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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Preteam on wed!! it will be a lot longer practice than they have ever had before
they ususally have 1 hour and ahalf now it will be 2 and half hours!!

any tips for them to make it easier so they are not soo wiped out the first night!!
(im expecting some tired little girls!!) they will practice 2 times a week for 2. 5 hours a week!! (total 5 hours a week )
My dd goes to gym 4 nights a week.I make shure she has a snack after school, a snack for gym and a bottle of water.It is important to stay hydrated.I also make shure she goes to bed on time.The toughest with us the homework.Even though she is only in 4th Grade she has atleast 20 mathproplems a day and brings home a 5 page spellingpackage on Mondays.She tries to get a lot of that done on her only day of during the week.We know she is tired at the end of the week and sometimes just have her do the homework in the morning before she goes to school when she is refreshed.
Sorry kind of went of the subject there.When my dd went to gym 2 times a week she did not have any proplems adjusting.

Good Luck
Thank you!!

my girls are 5 and 7 (kindy and 2nd grade). so not too much homework yet!! they will have practice from 5:30-8~~ so Im thinking about dinner at 4:15 and then a snack after gymnastics!
yes early dinner will be a must and I think they will both do great. Emily would go more and more if she could:)
When my daughter was on pre-team (age 5) she adjusted pretty quickly from just one hour of rec/week to the two 2 hr sessions. She was Pre-k & then K, and homework really wasn't an issue yet. We made sure she had a quick snack after school, sent her with her a water bottle and a healthy snack for gym and usually had dinner ready for her when she got home. It was hard to get her settle down for bed...still is...she is just so wired when she gets home. I thought being in the gym longer would make her more tired. Boy was I wrong about that, LOL

Oh and when she went to pre-team we made sure she had a couple re-usable plastic water bottles with her name on it w/perm marker & also a little in expensive drawstring bag (label that w/name too) to put the bottle, snack and fav stuffed (Webkin)animal in. She felt like one of the big girls! Also, in the begining, I did stay to watch & to make sure she was OK with the time change and behavior, but your girls are a little older so they should be fine! And, they have each other too so I am sure that will help w/the adjustment. They'll be fine!
Thanks for your advise!! I plan on the water bottles (I allready am VERY picky ont that! ) It sounds like I dont have to worry too much!! I just wanted to make sure the transistion went good!!! They love to be in the gym and keeo begging me for more time and now they got it!!
Just be flexible with eating times. You already have great advice on taking water bottles and snacks for the gym. If you give them dinner at 4:15, make it something light since you don't want a heavy meal in their tummies while they're in class at 5:30. My guess is one or both will want something to eat when they get home. Once they get settled in the class then it will be easier to plan ahead for those 2 days. They may be too nervous/excited this week to really give you a good idea on what to eat and when to do it!
Planning ahead works wonders to keep things from going crazy. Good luck I hope they love it:)
My DD is 6 and went to 3 days 3 hrs right around when school started this yr. The biggest challenge is eating. Definitely feed her a good meal, not huge, but nutritious, before. Many nights DD will eat a full meal after gym also. At the minimum a good snack. With gym getting over at 8, it's tough getting in snack, bath and to bed on time. Be flexible, some nights I let her do the bath in the morning if she's really tired. It will take a couple weeks, but they'll adjust just fine if you're prepared. Good luck!
Thank you all for the tips!! I want to make the transistion easier for them (as much as poss) They love to be in th gym and cannot wait for more time in there!! but I want to make sure they are not too tired (for one my 5 yr old Gets really crabby with no sleep!!) she is only on school half day soo maybe a nap in the afternoon on those days for her!!

thanks soo much!!! I will let you all know how the fisrt day goes!! dds are counting down!!
My dd goes 3 days a week, 2.5-3 hrs at a time. Tuesday nights she has a 45 minute dance class tacked on so we're in the gym from 4 to 7:15. She eats a snack before practice then dinner afterwards. I usually feed her right there in the gym. I also bought her a lap-desk for the car so she does her homework on the way home. That has been a great purchase. She's only in 1st grade but she still gets a page or 2 every night. Your girls sound like they'll have no problem adjusting!

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