My Sister troubles

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Oct 1, 2008
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Me and my sister both do gymnastics at a local gym. After on class i was bumped to the advanced class and my sister wouldn't talk to me for weeks.A couple days ago i had gotten some really bad rips and she was all like ''Wow I can't wait till I get my 1st rips'' and then i saw here swinging back and forth on the bar really hard and fast (i think the was trying to get rips, but she didnt get any so she hated my for it). Then she started working really hard and got put into the advanced class too. Then in class every day she hurts herself ( i mean falls from things and straining muscles Then waiting the class out for like 10 min the rising from the dead (tell the coach she will be fine and very dramatically joins the class) I think she is faking it. When ever i do good at a skill she gets hurts trying to do it the rolls her eyes at me. I think she is just trying to get attention. Then now my coach has spoken to me about team and my sister hates my guts. She is 13 and the throws temper tantrums before class and always has to try to do everything better than me ( But she really can't so she ends up getting hurt throwing her self into thing she is not ready for). I don't know what to do its really embarrassing. I can't really talk to my mom about it because when Cody does anything my mom acts like it never even happened. My mom tell me this is what little sisters do but come on really. I hardly want to go to gym with her because she is so hard to deal with. What do I do?
I totally feel for you. It sounds to me like she is just trying to get attention and trying to prove that she's better than you. I would recommend just ignoring her. If it gets really bad or if you've tried it and it doesn't work, talk with your dad (since it sounds like your mom isn't being helpful) or talk with the coach. She shouldn't be making gym un-enjoyable for you.
Wow thanx for understanding allaroundgirl.

When ever I tell my other siblings they just say "let Cody have this since she is always second best to you'' I just can't take it most of the time. I work harder tha Cody. I stretch everyday. I practice all the time does't work as hard as I do at anything. If i get better grades its because i study harder nothing is ever handed to me. But I get guilt tripped. God sometimes I so can't take it.
I know, I totally understand. It's like "why on Earth are you guilt-tripping me!" It seems like your family sure doesn't understand what's going on. Ugh...I feel so sorry for you! You can always vent on here. :)
Aw im sorry...that sucks
i agree with allaroundgirl.. u can try to ignore her
but if she keeps going like she sounds like she is, shes gonna end up hurt really bad and she'll have to learn the hard way =/
maybe she has self esteem issues and just wants whatever attention she can get?
u might also want to try to talk to her and actually ask her why she's acting like that...

i feel for u though
:Dwell i sort of do weane i get in a nother level my sis is licke thats just grate but in a sarkastic way you know the one i am talking about anyway i just keep doing my thing and let her leren her lessone that sounds licke the only thing to do you know just keep being good and ingnor her i had problems withe my sis and now my sis will fight withe my other babby sis someday it happens but we stoped fighting weane i tured 10 .13 is a litte braty .well any way i know waer your comeing frome.
I get it. My sis quit gym a few years ago, but before that, it was almost exactly like you and your sister. She would screw off the entire practice, then wonder why she wasn't improving!!! We were known in the gym for fighting a bit, especially that one year we went to camp together, and the dumb people roomed us together, even though we had both requested separate roommates.

Basically, I just had to deal with it and ignore her. The only reason she ever did gym was because I had, and she was obsessed with being like me. So, like I said, after she stopped improving (three years at team 5 with no cartwheel on beam and no squat on), she quit and pursued softball, which she loves. Now she's consumed by trying to prove how different she is from me. lol
I totally feel for you, I had a girl a couple classes back who would do almost exactly the same thing.
I agree with all-aroundgirl, you should deffinately try talking to your dad, the coach, and the gym supervisor if you have one. The coach shouldn't be letting her hurt herself(by trying things she's not ready for), and should be trying to make the lesson better for you. I know your folks probably work, but if there's ever a time that they could come to watch you and your sister train, it might help them see what's really going on.
Wow thanks all you guy for all of your support. I'm off to the gym for practice today. Maybe it will get better. My sister did only join gymnastics because I did and the made me sooo mad. Maybe one day she will start being herself and move to new things.
Copy cat and she wants attention. Don't feed into it :rolleyes: How did it go today??
Imagine how you would fell if all of a sudden your sister did start to improve rapidly at her gymnastics, and she was then promoted to team and you werent. If she began top win all sorts of medals for her gymnastics and you didnt. And if she all of a sudden learned all the skills that you wish you could do with ease.

Its easy to get upset with someone when you are the one on top, but maybe consider how she feels. You might say "i'd be happy for her if that happened". But there is always a little jealousy if you love the sport and then your sis is so much better. Understand that it must be very hard for her, she see's what you dop and wishes she could do it too.
I see what you mean but my sister is good at things to.

She was a state wide spelling bee champ, and I can't can't spell well at all. We would have to travel for hours to go to those comps. We both have our things but when she is good at something im always on the side-lines cheering her on and when im good at something i have to deal with the rolling of her eyes and her hating me. Now she is convinced that im so good because of my height and body type, okay i will admit that being 4'11 may make control a little easier for me but if i good its beacuse i worked hard. She is giving me headaches ''uhg'' but she is my sister.:(

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