Yes sorry, should have explained the terminology. She is on the elite track and roughly level 7/training some 8 JO equivalent. She will move groups after compulsories in March. Gyms which can offer this program are widely spaced in this country. Also, they are subsidised and the fees are pretty low and they can afford to be very picky. None of this is an an excuse if the coach is deliberately taking out her frustration on a child and I get what you are saying, but if you do stir the hornets nest you are likely to find that your dd is no longer on the elite track pretty quickly. That would devastate my dd and it's not something I can throw away on her behalf without being very sure. What if I'm wrong? No other gym would look at her. The marks aren't there anymore to back me up an no other parent has mentioned anything.
If the opposite happened and the head coach sided with my story and my dd, then the implications for this young coach are very serious.
Given that several people have confirmed it is feasible for the marks to have been made by grabbing her to stop the fall then what I have is not enough to know that she is being purposefully harmed or it wasn't accidental. I need more before I put things in motion which would so deeply affect her or my dd.
If that turns out to be the case (and I am so on this right now), then I will not hesitate.
I am so grateful for this forum giving me space to think outloud and not feel so alone.
If your DD is moving groups in March,then I wouldn't say anything.
I'd like to give my non Anglo/American perspective on this.....nothing happened.A coach left light scratch marks while spotting a gymnast,it happens.
The relationship between your DD and her coach is different from the perspective of the coach,your DD and your own.Your interpretation of it is the most powerful to
you, but that does not make the truest interpretation.
Your DDs internal reaction to your questions might have been"how do I tell my mom what happened without mom making it into something that it isn't".
Perhaps the coach thinks your DD is focused and mature and might feel patronized by certain types of warm fuzzy compliments.
Your DD is not being beaten or insulted or ignored.
I know I have been guilty of creating boogy men where there were none.I absolutely understand the need for careful diplomacy in the very small world of Elite tracked gymnastics.It's tough.
You´re a brilliant mom for being alert and caring.
I just want to be a voice that says: It's OK,your kid is OK,nothing horrid has happened