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My name is Amy Nail. I am a coach in Oklahoma. My son (not a gymnast but an athlete) with the help of my daughter (level 7 gymnast) is a finalist in an essay contest. He was chosen in the top 15 of over 3000 entrants. He wrote the essay over my husband, Paramedic / Firefighter Bob Nail. Now it is up to the public to vote. All you need is a valid email address (no age limits). His essay is very touching (made me cry) I am copying it below. I know that most of you do not know me... but we are all a community because of what we do and who we are. I would appreciate your votes from all around the world! Please vote for contestant #2 Bob Nail at

Here is the essay! Thank you for your time and hopefully your help!

Everyone in the world thinks that their Dad is a hero. To us kids, they all are. I am lucky though. Mine really is. My "Daddy Bob," is a paramedic / firefighter. He has seen and done it all! He was in the army in Desert Storm, and came home with a bullet in his shoulder. The fragments are still there, and are noticeable... but only if he tells you. He still cries when the National Anthem is played and says that when you do funerals for as many of his friends and fellow soldiers as he has, that song means the world to you and you can't help but be filled with pride and respect.
He worked for EMSA in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. He was one of the first sent from Tulsa to Oklahoma City when the Alfred P. Murrah building was bombed. He had the task of working in the temporary morgue. Later that year, he was pictured in a dramatic rescue in Tulsa where they pulled a young boy out of a river. His fingers were broken in that picture.
He was nominated for the "Everyday Hero" award. The woman that nominated him didn't do that because he rescued her; she did it because he held her hand in the back of the ambulance and told her she was going to be all right. She was scared.
My dad has seen some of the scariest fires. He has pulled people out. Some have lived, some have died. Time after time, people tell me how kind and funny and great my dad is. I always smile and nod. What I haven't told them or you is that he isn't my father. He is my Dad because he chooses to be. He married my Mom and accepted me and my sister as his own. Never has he tried to replace my real father, but he is always there. He has been my friend, my coach, my hunting partner, and yes, my hero.
It is really cool to know he is a fireman. He does a lot for others. But as a picture on his office wall says, "True heroism is very somber." He told me that those words really mean that the great things that you do don't always make the news... Man does he have that right! The greatest thing he has done in my opinion is to be my Dad. One that he didn't plan on, one that he didn't know was going to happen, but one that he has met with the love and kindness of any father ever could! My Dad will "Do it" no matter what!
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Great story....voted.
Thanks to you and to all who help!
I think all of us (gymnasts parents and coaches) know just how important a goon influence in a child's life is!!!
that was supposed to say good influence.... oops!
please keep voting and telling all you know to vote!
we would really appreciate it!!
What a beautiful essay! I wanted to vote, but could not find the option once i clicked on the link. I will try to figure it out. Amy, how old is your son?

**found it & voted - gl to your family :)
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my son is 13. He absolutely adores his stepfather. I am very lucky!
Thanks for your vote and support!
thank you for your thoughts and hopefully your vote!
I would love to have his essay win but the recognition that he has received through kind words and gestures such as this is so rewarding to him... he reads this daily with me!
He has often asked where everoyone is from so we do look at the profiles too.
Thank you again!
Thank you!!!!
You guys are helping more than you could ever know!
Kyle says thank you! He is almost overwhelmed with your responses! Please tell all your friends!

My son and husband are working on a sponser that will give money per vote to buy a car for one of our soldier's wives. Her car is broken down and her husband is fighting in Iraq. This is just another example of why he deserves to win this!

My husband has taught my children and those around to "give at all costs!" I am so thankful that they are being raised this way and I am thankful that I and my daughter are involved in a sport that shows this same value.... Thank you all!!!!!!
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the response on this has been incredible! Thank you and keep it going till June 8th!
Just an update... my son and husband went to the state Capitol on Wednesday. Kyle got to see his stepdad recognized as one of Oklahoma's top paramedics in the year 2008!

Please keep voting and thank you so much!
only 12 more days of voting left!
Thank you for all you have done... tell your friends and relatives to vote!
Thank you so much!!!

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