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Jun 4, 2009
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Hi my name is Christine and I just found this place last night. My 7 year old daughter has just begun team training and my 4 year old is begining pre-team this evening. We are a competative All Star Cheer family turned gymnasts.

Obviously I know nothing about team training so hopefully I can learn from everyone here!
Hello and welcome to CB! I think you will find this site to be a wealth of information. There are tons of parents, coaches etc. all willing to help and share info with you.

I too knew very little about this sport and have gather much info in the last year and half. I have two daughters too. My oldest just turned 6 year old and training level 4/5 and my youngest was on preteam but wants to try ice skating for now. (I have a feeling she'll be back at gym in no time).

We love pictures and videos so when you can please share.....:p

Good luck to both your dds in this wonderful sport. And especially good luck to your 4 year old on her first day of preteam!!!

Let us know how it goes.
Thanks!! My 7 year old is a quick learner, but it will be interesting to see how fast her baby sister catches up to her and makes

Coming from All Star Cheer I am very interested to see how things go with competitions. My dd now has to win for herself and doesn't have the cusion of something going wrong that is out of her control.

Right now all my pics and videos are from cheer....but I do have a ton of them.
Hello Christine, And welcome. I think you'll quickly find Chalk Bucket to be THE authoritiative source of being a parent of a gymnast. Healthy snacks of information as I like to call it. Plus it's a great place just to hang out!

Don't be a stranger though. We all love to read new questions, progress reports (and gloats of course) downstairs in the Parents forums.

I hope to read you posts soon.
Hello Christine, And welcome. I think you'll quickly find Chalk Bucket to be THE authoritiative source of being a parent of a gymnast. Healthy snacks of information as I like to call it. Plus it's a great place just to hang out!

Don't be a stranger though. We all love to read new questions, progress reports (and gloats of course) downstairs in the Parents forums.

I hope to read you posts soon.

The parent forum...haven't seen that yet but I will def be there asking lots of questions!!!
Nice to meet you.
Hi and welcome to CB. This is a great place - especially the Parent Forum as TimDad has explained :)

The parents and coaches (and gymmies - cannot forget them) are wonderful and supportive.

My DD is 8 yrs old (will be nine next month - yikes where does time go?) She is L4. She competed two seasons of L3 and is very excited to be moving on !!

I coach preschool and a rec class and have been doing some assisting w/ L3 which I love.

cannot wait to hear more about your DD's
Hi and welcome to CB. This is a great place - especially the Parent Forum as TimDad has explained :)

The parents and coaches (and gymmies - cannot forget them) are wonderful and supportive.

My DD is 8 yrs old (will be nine next month - yikes where does time go?) She is L4. She competed two seasons of L3 and is very excited to be moving on !!

I coach preschool and a rec class and have been doing some assisting w/ L3 which I love.

cannot wait to hear more about your DD's

It will be fun to have someone who's child is competing L 4 for the first time this year.

How did your daughter compete this past season?
Hello and WELCOME! Glad you found us. You will definitely have a great time learning from this site. Everyone is so wonderful.

My daughter is 6 years and competed level 4 this past season and will likely repeat this year.

We love videos and pictures so post away...:D

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