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Proud Parent
Mar 9, 2008
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Hi there fellow gymnastics fans! I stumbled upon this great site while 'out surfing'. I absolutely love it! There is so much great info here. My dd is 12yrs old & a level 6 gymnast (for the 2nd year). This has been a great year for her so far:D Much better then all of the stress we had last year (she developed fear issues last year, which she has since over come). Repeating 6 has been a real confidence booster for her. Our whole family is looking forward to her home meet this coming weekend. I'm so proud she has worked through her mental block & is happily working on her level 7 skills now. She actually told me on Sun. that she can't wait to get to practice on Monday....she thinks Giants are fun!:)
Welcome Gymjourneymom!!!
I'm kinda new too. Can't wait to read your posts!
Thank you for your welcome gymnastmom96!!! Hoping to make some new friends here:) What level is your dd?
Welcome !! My dd just turned 11 and is starting level 7. She is doing her first level 7 meet in May and is really excited. Glad you hear your dd is having a good season :)
Welcome !! My dd just turned 11 and is starting level 7. She is doing her first level 7 meet in May and is really excited. Glad you hear your dd is having a good season :)
Hi gymgymgymnast08, Thank you for your kind welcome & the links. The 1st one, "Remember when?" actually made me cry! I'm so proud of my dd for working through her fears...but I know there will be new ones just around the corner. For now we're just enjoying the moment! I'm proud of all the gymnast who work sooooooooo hard! Level must have some amazing skills!!! Be proud of yourself!!! I know you girls sacrafice a lot for your sport! Unfortunetly, I couldn't get the 2nd link to open for me :( I'd love to see that one too.
Welcome !! My dd just turned 11 and is starting level 7. She is doing her first level 7 meet in May and is really excited. Glad you hear your dd is having a good season :)
Hi Flippymonkeysmom! You can tell I'm new...haven't quite figured out how to reply properly...(sorry gymgymnast08, I put the wrong quote in my reply to you)....hope I'm doing it correctly this time! I usually only shop on-line:) ...So your dd will be competing level 7 soon....that's great!!! Our gym has started training for the next levels(7 for my dd) but won't compete them until Nov. Official decisions about who's moving up, won't be made until Sept. My dd still has her home meet this weekend, then sectionals in April and states in May to compete as level 6. I'm just happy she's happy:)
Welcome gymjourney mom! I'm new to the site too! Found the site recently through a link LOVE it!

My dd is 12 yrs old and Level 8. She also compete USAIGC Gold level. Our gym does both USAG & USAIGC.

I'm glad to hear your daughter has overcome her fears and excited about going to the gym again. My dd at the age of 11 started having fears as well. She continues to work through some of them....mostly on bars. I hope I can post soon that all the fears are gone!

Good luck to your dd.
Hi gymgymgymnast08, Thank you for your kind welcome & the links. The 1st one, "Remember when?" actually made me cry! I'm so proud of my dd for working through her fears...but I know there will be new ones just around the corner. For now we're just enjoying the moment! I'm proud of all the gymnast who work sooooooooo hard! Level must have some amazing skills!!! Be proud of yourself!!! I know you girls sacrafice a lot for your sport! Unfortunetly, I couldn't get the 2nd link to open for me :( I'd love to see that one too.

The first link is made by I-heart-beam on here
and the second is made by gymnasticsbabie on here. If the link doesn't work go to then type in the truth about gymnastics or go on gymnasticsbabie's channel and its the truth about gymnastics.

I practice only 9.5 hours a week but i do go to open gym and everyone always tells me that I need to do something fun on weekends not open gym but i say open gym is fun.
wow that makes me sound like such a loser. i swear im not a complete loser
The first link is made by I-heart-beam on here
and the second is made by gymnasticsbabie on here. If the link doesn't work go to then type in the truth about gymnastics or go on gymnasticsbabie's channel and its the truth about gymnastics.

I practice only 9.5 hours a week but i do go to open gym and everyone always tells me that I need to do something fun on weekends not open gym but i say open gym is fun.
wow that makes me sound like such a loser. i swear im not a complete loser
Thanks so much...I'll try to find the video that way. It's great that as a level 8 you can practice 9.5 hrs/week. Your coaches aren't burning you out, so you can still enjoy yourself in open gym or whatever else might come up. There's a lot to be said for that line of thinking! Loser??? No way!!! You have my total respect! My dd is level 6 right now & doing 11.5hrs/week. But there are 16 girls on the level 6 team. I think they need the extra time just to get everyone coached! My dd actually likes floor best...she loves to tumble. Her best event is vault...but believe it or not....she says that makes her the most nervous. She knows the coach/team is counting on her to do it well!
Welcome gymjourney mom! I'm new to the site too! Found the site recently through a link LOVE it!

My dd is 12 yrs old and Level 8. She also compete USAIGC Gold level. Our gym does both USAG & USAIGC.

I'm glad to hear your daughter has overcome her fears and excited about going to the gym again. My dd at the age of 11 started having fears as well. She continues to work through some of them....mostly on bars. I hope I can post soon that all the fears are gone!

Good luck to your dd.
Hi gmom46! Your dd is a 12yr old level 8....awsome! She also has my utmost respect! I don't know much about USAIGC. Does that mean she is competing year round between the 2? I wish I would have had this site last year when my dd was going thru all that stress & fear. There's a wealth of info here! I'm sure (unfortunately) more " fear issues" will come up for my dd in the future. It's just her nature....she hates to try to do something new & fail. She just "expects" herself to do it perfectly the 1st try(she's such a gymnast!). I'm so proud of her, for working thru it this time. (Don't think I coud have at her age!). It's definitely a step in the right direction for her. She also has a great attitude about trying these new level 7 skills...this is the total opposite of this time last year! I'm still on high blood pressure meds due to the stress of last gymnastics season! Hope to hear great things about your dd's bars:) Tell her to visualize.....visualize....visualize....she's the boss of the bars!
Hi and welcome to chalkbucket. my dd is a 7yr old L3 and I am so thankful for this site. I did gymnastics for several years when I was a kid and loved it so I know some of the lingo and what it takes to do some of the tricks dd is working on.

she has been competing since Nov on a lower scale than the L4 and up girls. She LOVES bars, can't keep her off. She may be moving to L4 in May, she has her ROBHS and is working on other L4 skills.

I am glad your dd is doing well after a rough time. hope she continues to flourish.
Welcome, gymjourneymom! This is a great place to find lots of wonderful info and advice! I find myself on here just about every day. I wish I had more time to post, but with 5 kids, it's kinda hard!!! My daughter is 6 and level 2. She has had 4 meets this year and will have 1 more in April. She loves gymnastics. I'm so glad your daughter was able to work through her fears.
Hi Gymmonkeymomma! Glad to hear from you! What level is your dd? I think this site is great!
Hi and welcome to chalkbucket. my dd is a 7yr old L3 and I am so thankful for this site. I did gymnastics for several years when I was a kid and loved it so I know some of the lingo and what it takes to do some of the tricks dd is working on.

she has been competing since Nov on a lower scale than the L4 and up girls. She LOVES bars, can't keep her off. She may be moving to L4 in May, she has her ROBHS and is working on other L4 skills.

I am glad your dd is doing well after a rough time. hope she continues to flourish.
Hi gymmomntc2e6, How does your dd like competing? I'm always just so impressed with the girls for just going out there, in front of all of those people & doing their thing. Let alone doing well & enjoying it!!! I was always a shy child. Never would of thought of doing any of the stuff my dd has:) Guess that's why I'm such a cheer leader for the whole team:) They just amaze me with their bravery at such young ages. There are some strong little girls out there & I don't just mean physically! Did you actually compete as a child also??? Best wishes to you & your dd. Good luck at the meets & level 4 training!
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Welcome, gymjourneymom! This is a great place to find lots of wonderful info and advice! I find myself on here just about every day. I wish I had more time to post, but with 5 kids, it's kinda hard!!! My daughter is 6 and level 2. She has had 4 meets this year and will have 1 more in April. She loves gymnastics. I'm so glad your daughter was able to work through her fears.
Dear lagymmom, YOU are my idol!!! You have 5 kids (1 that does gymnastics)!!! Yet you are able to get your hands on the computer! I only have 2 dd's & a dh and I can barely get any computer time :)LOL!!! I grew up in big family( the youngest of 8). It was a great experience...I really learned how to get along with others. So how does you dd like competing? Our gym doesn't compete until level4. So I've never gone to any meets lower then that. Hope competing has been a good experience for your dd. Must be if she's enjoying it:)Wish I would have had this site all along the way! The other parents at our gym have always been helpful/supportive. But with my dd's mental block last one quite under stood. Best of luck to you & your dd! I'd like to hear how the April meet goes for her.
Hi Gymmonkeymomma! Glad to hear from you! What level is your dd? I think this site is great!

Hi! I have 1 DD that just turned 11, she is Level 7 USAG and Silver USAIGC. My other DD is 7 and is Level 5 USAG, Bronze USAIGC. Where in PA are you? We're in NJ.
Welcome to the chalk bucket. I think that we are all here basically for the same reason, GYMNASTICS. There is some great info here and very freindly people. Enjoy
To respond to the USAIGC question, That runs basically from the winter (or early spring) thru nationals in June.

My dd being a Level 8 (this year and last) competes them both at the same time, since the seasons are pretty much the same. Last year she did level 7 (in the fall), then level 8 and USAIGC Gold level thru last year was indeed all year long. This year will only be 1/2 the year. But, USAIGC typically scores higher, and its not as rigid as USAG, so its nice for the girls. Its a good ego boost, and builds some self-confidence. Some gyms compete just USAG, some gyms compete just USAIGC, and some both. Our gym does both (I'm in NJ). I don't know if all of the US does USAIGC or not. It seems like on this forum some people never heard of it, or perhaps its just that your gym chooses not to participate in it. Either way, its fine.

Hopefully that explained it a bit.

And, thanks for the kind words about my dd being 12 and a level 8. Its a tough level, and not one I think she is going to move out of that quickly.

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