Parents New respect for gymmies...

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2008
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Tonight all 3 of my girls were invited to a birthday party at the both DH and I went with them. While the kids were opening presents, some of us parents were playing around on the equipment...:o

I used to do a little gymnastics back in the day and what I was best at was I knew I could likely hop back up on the balance beam. I could do some turns and a scale...not too bad until I was just standing there talking and fell right off!!!:eek: I was fine one minute and falling off the next.

Then we went to the tramps and my back hurt just from jumping on them!!!! Next we did cartwheels and handstands on the floor. Finally, we decided to try pullovers on bars...OH MAN my arms felt like they were going to fall off! I didn't even get close to a pullover. Not even anywhere near to getting my booty over that bar!! Last we tried some L hold leg lifts like my younger DD does in TOPs...let me just say that it hurt just hanging off the bar.

My arms feel like they are mush 2 hrs later. I am quite sure that when I wake up in the morning, I am not going to have use of my arms!!!! I am pretty sure the back is going to be immobile, too. I was SO surprised how hard the bar skills were and I can tell you that I have new respect for my daughters and all gymnasts!!! Even level 1 and 2 skills were enough to make my body hurt!!!

Just had to share. I will have new respect for them on Monday when I watch practice!:)
Hey madigym00, you have quite a few years on them so this is to be expected. Hope you're ok. A parent has to realize the consequences when we plays as we were a lot younger.
:) Previous experience and being active helps but age is what makes it hard for a parent to keep up.

I play with my kids whenever I can in what they are good at (not gymnastics though). With or without the background, I don't expect myself to do anything close to what they can do (I don't come even close), which I am extremely proud of. However, maybe it's just a play on word, I personally don't know if I call that a respect. Meanwhile, I have a lot of recovering to do with my quad over the last few days.:(
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lol! This post cracked me up! You know we all do it when we think no one is looking! A turn, a scale, an attempt at a handstand. Even trying the splits. You are so right. I can't imagine my body going through what these girls do on a daily basis. I gotta admit is fun to do the floor routines (without tumbling!) Come on everybody! You know you do it! haha:D
How fun to get to try all of that!!! We have a beam in our basement & I have hoppped up there on occassion and even walking on it is hard! I agree with you...what our gymnasts can do is amazing, no matter what their levels!
This is so funny! I can imagine all of the laughter . . .
Sean and I get on dd's beam once in a while, and it's hilarious. I can sometimes do a half turn, but that's about it, besides walking, and even that is hit and miss! (You should've seen when I can do a half turn; you would think I won the Olympics! :) ) I tried a teeny jump last time, and I don't think my feet even got off the beam!
Even though I was a cheerleader in high school and a dancer in college, I was never able to even do a good cartwheel or even the splits, so I've always been in awe of these girls. I get my lack of flexibility from my Mom, and as she says, "My body was not meant to move in ways like that!" That obviously holds true even more the older I get . . .
Anyway, thanks for the laugh, madigym.
Me too. I have done the floor routine for levels 4-6, since I have seen it so many times, but without any real tumbling. I like to pretend to my kids that my form and skills are better than theirs, but they just laugh and laugh.

update: it is 2 days later and every muscle in my upper body hurts...:p
Seriously. EVERY SINGLE ONE! I need to do gymnastics more often!

The girls were laughing so hard at us not being able to do a pullover. They were trying to "coach" us without any success. So, so funny! Ouch, I just laughed and it hurt!:D
I would LOVE for my 18 year old son to spend a day in his sisters gym and get a small taste of it. He is sooo wrapped up in martial arts,boxing, MMA and UFC that he doesn't consider ANY other sport as being legitimate. I would pay to see that!
i totally feel ya!

on a whim after dd2's class i decided to attempt a kip ... i'm not sure why ... i just narrowly missed it so of course i really wanted to try another ... i made it! but omgosh ... the minute i got up to a front support i thought "the nice thing is knowing that i can still do a kip ... the not so nice thing is i know i'm going to pay for it tomorrow!" ... my chest, tris, bis, everything ... i couldn't even pick the baby up out of the crib! LOL ... what on earth was i thinking??
I used to do Cartwheels for the girls but Then I got preggo with the babe and well now my back is far gone LOL

This post made me have a good laugh tho.
i totally feel ya!

on a whim after dd2's class i decided to attempt a kip ... i'm not sure why ... i just narrowly missed it so of course i really wanted to try another ... i made it! but omgosh ... the minute i got up to a front support i thought "the nice thing is knowing that i can still do a kip ... the not so nice thing is i know i'm going to pay for it tomorrow!" ... my chest, tris, bis, everything ... i couldn't even pick the baby up out of the crib! LOL ... what on earth was i thinking??

Congrats to you! I assume you are a former gymnast. When my girls were first learning kips several years ago my husband kept trying. He thought since he was strong it should be a piece of cake. Boy was he wrong. I did some swings on bars and jump to the high bar once. It was the best feeling in the world. I had so much fun. One of the other moms and I also did some cartwheels and roundoffs just for laughs.
Most people, especially school friends, just don't get what these girls go through every week. I wish there were a way to explain that.

So proud:)

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