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Hi, all; I'm new here, after lurking in the shadows for a while! My daughter has just finished her level 5 season - she's 11 years old and passionate about gymnastics!:)
Hi, Welcome to CB (officially);). Is your DD moving up to level 6? I have twins who are both level 5. :)
movin' up!

Hi, all; I'm new here, after lurking in the shadows for a while! My daughter has just finished her level 5 season - she's 11 years old and passionate about gymnastics!:)

Welcome - my dd is a L7 and is also 11 years old :)

Hi, Welcome to CB (officially);). Is your DD moving up to level 6? I have twins who are both level 5. :)

Hi; thanks for the welcome! Yes, my daughter is moving up to level 6, and can't wait to get through it to get to optionals! How about yours? And, excuse my ignorance, but I've noticed everyone using "dd," which stands for...?
Don't worry you will get the swing of lingo. DD stands for "Dear Daughter" and DS stands for "Dear Son" Hope to see you posting around ;)

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