MAG Night Meets

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


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Jul 19, 2011
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So, D has regionals at night (like at 6!) we are out of state, and flying, so in hotels, etc. I love morning meets as we just get up and eat and go. But now it is at night. What tips do you have? What do you do with your very active boys during the day of a night meet, especially when you are not at home?!?!?
Is there a children's museum you can spend the day at? Or go for a hike if the weather is nice?
Pay attention to food! The first time we had an evening meet, we failed to pay attention to how long meets actually are. We were all severely hungry by the end, and by the last event, DD was noticeably whipped. For some fool reason, we figured we'd just grab dinner afterward.
We love to hike, and have a couple of hikes planned around the area for Sunday. Just thought that might be too much for the day of a meet. Do you guys ever do movies? Ugh. I really hate night meets. Give me a 7:30 start time any day! LOL!

And food...LOL! D won't let us forget that :) We will probably eat an early dinner around 4. And his gym bag is always full of snacks!!
What do you eat before a meet? I like morning meets better, too. My son competes in the afternoon this time around. I think he just like high carb breakfasts better.
My ds seems to tolerate later meets well..but he's 12. My dd10, on the other hand, does not. It's hard, but try to do quiet, non energy taxing things. Try to make lunch late, too, and a snack right before the meet starts is a great idea.
Thanks guys :) I am thinking a movie might be the best option!

As for what we eat, it varies. D eats well, so we typically just let him follow his usual instincts. Since we are out of state, he will eat breakfast at the hotel (probably twice if I know him!!) Lunch might be around 2, and we will try to do a decent restaurant. Most likely a burger, salad and fries. He also packs snacks in his gym bag: Beef jerky, a bag of the m&m snack mix, fruit leathers, banana, peanut butter/crackers, etc. Probably a clear gatorade or 2 also as he has been battling a migraine AGAIN this week :(
Thanks guys :) I am thinking a movie might be the best option!
Depends on the person, I guess. A movie practically puts me into a coma. Watch one in the afternoon, and I'm shot for the rest of the day.
Depends on the person, I guess. A movie practically puts me into a coma. Watch one in the afternoon, and I'm shot for the rest of the day.

LOL! I am kind of the same way, but we have yet to find something that does that to D! LOL! I think if we hit one early enough (noonish) then do lunch and go back to the hotel to get ready, it will work. I really don't like that they changed the schedule on us! I liked the 7:30 am start time. The parents of the teenagers that now have to do that time slot (8s and 9s) are not quite as happy :)

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