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Jul 9, 2012
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Hello fellow chalk bucketers. You are gathered here today to read my vent and listen to my anger and sadness. So read on wade in a pool of my misery.

I've been in gymnastics for years now with the intention of eventually getting onto team; which my mom knew. Along the way I was stuck in classes where no other girls tried, and because of this I was never evaluated to move up because they continually had to watch them and fix them. So now with me in advanced we recently got a new coach and I love it, he is so awesome and i've really grown since him being my coach. Of course I still have those beginner kids that I have no clue how they ended up in the class because they don't have the skills. And a few nights ago I had to babysit and train a new coach who had no clue what she was doing because my coach was out; but you know. So now that you have background info onto my rant... So a couple of weeks ago my coach invite me to trampoline team which he also coaches. I finally with no help from my mom got a ride to go in and try it, and I LOVED IT! It was so much fun. So of course I want to keep doing it. Problem one- I'll have to quit my schools dance team which I just became an officer on so I can do it, I love it so much im willing to do that. Problem two- My mom won't let my start until school starts. But that's when meets start. So I'll be behind. I can go in on Monday's though. But I'm mad at my mom because she isn't even trying to get me a ride; everytime I try to talk to her she just gets in her phone. Grr.
Problem 3- My moms making me quit gymnastics to do it. I love both so much and am crying at the thought of having to do that. Once again my mom doesn't even try to discuss it. And everytime I get even a little mad; which is understandable considering I love both, she accuses me of attitude and threatens to let me not do anything. And it's even worse when she says this stuff because she hasn't stayed to watch me once at practice for anything.
Problem 4- The cost, my parents are divorced and my dad literally acts like he is living in a box. He says he won't put any money in for meets or for team. Which is expensive and even just a small amou t of money can help with.

So basically my mom keeps acting like I'm murdering someone by wanting to do something I love. My dad is acting like I am commiting a sin by asking him to help. And I'm stuck stressed about algebra, gymnastics, trampoline and tumbling, dance, and my pet bird. (My hair dresser found grey hairs.)

So thanks for reading this long rant in which I probably left out some stuff, cried, and maybe made you confused. Sorry if there's and mistakes I typed this on a iPod.
If competing is really what you want to do, you can possibly wait till college and NAIGC. It's lot of fun and National's are a blast err 3 day party err 3 day competition event.
No advice really , just wanted to say that I grew up in similar situation, but not with gym. Never had support for what I did, no matter how hard I worked or how well I did at activity. Or the fact that I did well in school and was a good kid. Only thing that I did was promise I would do better by my kids someday and I have.

Hang in there. Sometimes parents have problems that make them stressed and they don't realize how important sports, etc, can be for a child. Or perhaps they never did stuff and just don't get it. Or even they can't afford it. Try to talk to your parents and maybe make your own solutions. Find a carpool, promise to keep up with school and chores, maybe even work part time and help pay.

Good luck.
Sometimes it helps to write what you are trying to say in a letter, you can pour your heart out in a calm rational way. I am not sure how old you are but my guess is young teen and sometimes it is not easy expressing yourself without blowing a cork. Many times our teens and my husband and I will write letters to each other to read what we are trying to convey to each other. I would write to your father as well and let him know your true feelings. As for cost can you work in your gyms office answering phones, teaching younger children or filing to help differ the cost? I am so sorry you are so sad and stressed, good luck I hope things work out for you. (((hugs)))
My feeling about your post is that it's very one-sided... It's about what you want and what your parents won't give you. I seriously doubt that your parents are setting out to make you unhappy. How are your grades? Maybe your parents are afraid that you won't have enough time to get your homework done. How are finances? Divorce generally leaves both parents with less money to spend. Maybe they can't afford the cost. Maybe they are worried you will hurt yourself. Maybe your mother is unhappy that you aren't following through on the commitment you made to be an officer for your dance team. Right now you and your parents are just butting heads. Until you all understand each others' points of view, you're unlikely to reach any sort of long-term solution. (Spoken like a mom, right?)
Thanks everyone! Unfortunatly where I live we have these stupid things called child labor laws and I can't get a job. I do have all A's and I've never had trouble with grades in any of my classes. Im a big nerd who takes these hard things for fun. My mom and dad don't really support anything I do so... My parents both know that I've always loved gymnastics and it's more like they don't want to put any commitment in for meets and stuff like that. They've been divorced for years and my dads kind of a er... Cheapskate. Bit willing to put money in for anything really. (Go child support!)
i know in CA you can work as a 14yo but basically your hours are extremely limited. it gets better at 15 or 16 and maybe you could coach at the gym you are at.

often, we pull teens from tumbling classes (girls) to train as coaches. sometimes with the guys too, not as often

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