Not really a question, but gotta say regarding parents

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Okay, dunno, I will take it as such! :) Your post on my other thread did make me feel like a complete idiot, to be honest. I was so embarrassed I tried to delete it but couldn't. Guess I should stop taking message board posts so personally... :o

Between that and several other gym mom rants (mostly by gym moms!) that had me angry, I was trying to to stick up for the OP here by agreeing with her. I wasn't meaning any specific person, just the general feel for the boards I've received since I joined (admittedly mere days). I didn't mean to come across as a whiny b---, but maybe I did.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I think I'll shut up for a while and take it all in. Don't want to put my foot in my mouth again so soon...

No need to totally shut up, just give it time. I understand where you are coming from and I'll share with you my experience on this board.

I’ve been a member of Chalk Bucket for just a year now and I was totally taken aback at the beginning. I felt the posters were harsh, critical and downright unfriendly. I thought about leaving the Chalk Bucket but I couldn’t find another active gymnastics board so I stuck with it out of my need for information to help my dd with fears. I continued to read daily and in the process got to learn more about the other posters.

I went from thinking Dunno was an arrogant something to truly wishing Dunno was my child’s coach and looking forward to learning from Dunno‘s posts as well as the posts of others. Over time I realized that our gymnastics posters are passionate people and without the benefit of sight and sound, that passion can be misunderstood. I was finally able to let go of my expectations on how the others on the board should behave and just let it be what it is and not let my emotions take over.

Yes, I still feel the boards can be harsh at times but I learned to treat the board like a handful of wheat, keep the grain and let the rest just blow away. I don’t post much and I don’t read every thread anymore but what I have learned from the board has helped me understand the finer parts of gymnastics and has made me a more relaxed gym mom. Because of that, I‘ll continue to hang around and maybe someday I’ll be able to channel Dunno’s immense knowledge into the head of dd’s coaches so they can finally help her get past her back tumbling and vestibular maturity issues.
I’ve been a member of Chalk Bucket for just a year now and I was totally taken aback at the beginning. I felt the posters were harsh, critical and downright unfriendly. I thought about leaving the Chalk Bucket but I couldn’t find another active gymnastics board so I stuck with it out of my need for information to help my dd with fears. I continued to read daily and in the process got to learn more about the other posters.

I don't think I've been here as long as you but I was the same way at first. LOL And there are some posters who I take a deep breath before reading because so many of their posts seem condescending. And there are some topics that I cringe when someone asks about because I suspect some strong words. But I have met so many wonderful people on this board and have learned so so so much that the little negativity that I've found is far outweighed by the information, acceptance, laughs, and personal stories I have had the privilege of experiencing on CB.

I feel blessed to have found this place.....
While I agree that some topics can cause a stir here on the chalkbucket I think the posters here do try to keep things "real". Most have your best interest at heart but there are some that really do stir the pot, so to speak. The information I have found here far outweighs the negativity. So don't stop posting just because you may not like what others have to say, take what you want from them and leave a little for others to learn from!! I am so thankful that I found this site. I have learned tons! I have also learned patience!! But I usually reread any of my posts a few times to make sure it is worded "just right"! :)
one thing in alexsgymmymoms post stood out to me. on the chalkbucket we have all types of people from coaches to gymnasts to parents to fans. everyone is on a different stage of their gymnastics journey. when someone comes here talking about her gymmy being the next elite the try to keep it real. they try to explain how hard it is to that level and how much sacrafice it takes to get there. some people take it offensivly but they are just trying to put it into perpective. it is not meant to be an insult. so when you get offended on the CB it is just one person stating their opinion. you can choose to take it or leave it. you have to remember that everyone is in different stages of their gymnastics journey and have more info than you want to hear.
Wow there is alot of discussion on this.

First Welcome to the CB. I hope as you are hanging around you will see that your first impressions are not how this board is.

Well here is my 2 cents worth. it may seem like there is alot of parent bashing going on but really there isn't. Its other parents or coaches or what ever having issues and are coming to a board where only those involoved in gymnastics can really understand the dynamics of what we go through. It's a safe place we can come and share our joys, frustrations, and general issues in gymnastics to see if it's normal or not. I've posted on many issues I have had over the few years I've been here and have received great advice from everyone here. Sometimes its hard to step back and really look at the situations we encounter objectively and these guys and gals are right there to offer advice, guidance and yes even constructive criticism that all helps us to make decisions on the events and drama we may encounter.

As far as the newbie things goes I think that is common in any thing we get involved in. Start introducing yourself to those other parents who stay to watch, ask questions, and feel free to attend meets the team is having even if your DD isn't on the team yet. The teams always love the support. I remember way back when my DD was a L4 and Yes it was hard to have the connect at first but after the owner had the New parent meeting and we all were in the same place together we were all able to talk to each other and start the process of getting to know each other. At the Rec class level - start talking to those other parent around you when you are waiting for class to be over, see who lives near you, start to thing about having social activity outside of the gym.

I see gymnastics rec like any other rec type class (karate, dance, piano etc) where you drop off and wait for your kid to do their class and once a year there is a recital.

As for the team levels once the meet season starts we all save seats together, we all cheer eachothers kids on, we all go to ice cream or dinner or what ever after the meet. If its an away meet we all try to get rooms at the same hotel on the same floor so the girls can all socialize just by proping the doors open and going up and down the hall. My DD is training Level 8 and is in her 8th year on team. My husband and I participate in the Team Booster Club. We have been at our current gym for only a year now and everyone one of the team parents have been supportive and welcoming. The are now like my second family and we do lots of things together. Now that wasn't the case those first few weeks but once I made the effort to go to booster club meetings volunteer for activities and interact with them at meets that all changed. I asked alot of questions from the parents who have been there for years and they were happy to give answers.

That feeling of togetherness and team is there just like any other team sport you see at the soccor feild, baseball field, hocky game etc. it just takes time for that to happen.

Get involved, make the first move to the other parents to be friends, sometimes when its rec classes parents aren't looking for that friendship thing but more of the get the kid to class wait the time and leave, but you get that in any Rec type of activitiy.

Just like the girls gymnastic abilities take time to devlope so do the friendships in gymnastics but once made they can last a life time.

Love this post!

Krystal, just so you know, CB is very theraputic for me. It has helped me to realize that a lot of parents and gymnasts have had some of the same crazy gym experiences that we have. And I have learned so much from the other parents, judges and coaches!

I remember what is was like to be a gym newbie and now I enjoy helping the new parent learn the ropes. For example, one of the level 5 moms was wondering why the girls were letting go of the high bar and falling into the pit flat on their backs. I had to explain what Timers were.

I make a point to speak to a new parent and always be an advocate for the gym. I don't spend a lot of time watching my kid in the gym. Most of what they do is conditioning (boring) and frankly, gym is her thing. I come at the end of practice and sometimes get see her do her skills.

And gymnastics is hard as Dunno says. Most kids quit before they get past middle school. We live in an area that has loads of gyms but there are only 2 competitive gymnasts at our high school of over 4500 kids. Loads of football, hockey, and tennis players, though.

I am amazed at what my DD can do. Sometimes it just takes my breath away when she does a beautiful beam routine. And she is tough physically and mentally. At one meet, she hobbled to the floor, took off her boot, did a great floor routine, saluted, then hopped off the floor and put the boot back on. (She was recovering from a broken foot and it had healed well but she still needed the support.)
Just like any "social club" You will find there are a group of people here who you like, who you think like, who you don't think like but still like, and who you don't like that much. But everyone here brings tremendous knowledge, varied experiences, and pretty much as much respect and commitment as you are ever going to be able to find anywhere. So welcome and take some time to get to know us.;)

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