Parents # of meets this season

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Jul 29, 2007
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How many meets will your dd's and ds's be attending this meet season? What level are they? We are only doing four b/c two of ours got cancelled.
My daughter is Level 10. We attend 5 in state meets in FL and 1 out of state...this year in Idaho...then we have state, regionals and nationals if she qualifies. That is Jan until April.
My daughter is a L4, and right now there are 6 on the schedule. That is not including the sectionals or states. We *may* get to a sectional, not sure about states this time, she just started 6 mths ago and is only 6. Not sure if that number will stay the same, we've had add-ons and cancellations so who knows anymore.....I just make sure I check my e-mail everyday.
At the moment my L7 dd has (6) meets scheduled this season. This includes (2) Invitationals, (3) Sectionals and States (which she aleady qualified for, so I know that she is going barring no unforeseen problems.)

It would be nice to get one more Invitational in before States, but I do not know if that will happen or not (I'm thinking not moreso that happening :o)
My girls will do three each all qualifiers, little DD is too young to go to provincials in the school system, oldest is still trying to come back from injuries and probably won't compete vault which means she cannot make it to provincials.

Last year oldest did a team comp at the end of the season, so much fun, little DD should be able to do that this year.
State meet and 7 other meets. A couple of the meets are not quite set in stone yet. Level 4 probably.
At this point we only have 2 meets set in stone, 2 others are pending. Plus states in March. Doesn't seem like enough to me. We're also having a mock meet in our gym with a judge coming in. She'll be giving out scores and discussing things with the girls so that will be great. It would be nice to have a bit more advance notice with these meets. Seems like we get hit with the schedule, and the bills:eek:, at the last minute! Frustrating!
I feel your pain about the short notice. I feel like these last couple months I've learned more about gymnastics than I ever thought I would know. And yes, I know NOW for next year to budget the money better before meet season and to NOT schedule vacation end of Aug becasue we missed our "mock" meet. In the past 3 months I have spent about $500.00 (tuition, new leos, new warm-up, new team leo, meet fees, coaches fees, ect...) And, also that a meet means to block off the entire weekend until a couple days before when you find out your session. We should start a new thread about tips and tricks for new L4 moms!
"We should start a new thread about tips and tricks for new L4 moms!"

Blackie6 ~ What a great idea!! Seriously, I find out all the information from the higher level moms in our gym. The coaches aren't very helpful. They try but too much information is never enough in this sport. I understand the whole thing of not knowing until the week of a meet when you're competing but it does make it difficult. It would also be nice to get some kind of sheet that explains what you'll need to pay out over the course of a season. We have 12 week sessions in our gym. We can pay it all up front or in 2 installments. That on top of the $300 for team leos and warm ups, then all the meet fees. It does kind of creep up on you all at once. On top of that, it's tough when you've got other children involved in things, too. We're managing but like you said, planning a seperate gymnastics budget is on my list of things to do! :p
Number of meets

My level eight daughter has four meets scheduled, not including her clubs intra-squad and state and level eight regionals competition. Three are in the greater SF bay area and one is out of state in Cincinatti.

All the level eight parents are uncomfortable with the prospect of going to states with only rour prior meets. We like the idea of having more dress rehearsals, so to speak, before going on stage. Most of the other local clubs have 2 to 3 more meets than we do.

We, that is all the level eight parents, feel that our girls are entering the level eight season at a competitive disadvantage because of the few meets that are scheduled. To make matters worse, we lost our head coach at the end of last season and we now have only a part time bars and vault coach. To add insult to injury, the owner(a great retired coach who won't coach anymore)has raised our tuition!

We love our director and part-time coach, but we also feel that having only four meets before states and only a part-time bars and vault coach shows we're being taken for granted. We love our gym and don't plan to leave. But our loyalty makes us frustrated.
Well we finally got our meet schedule last night and we will officially have 8 meets. We were supposed to have one more last weekend but it was cancelled:( Our first meet is Nov 10th. It is a preseason meet so not sanctioned yet, our first sanctioned meet is the second week of December.
We are level 4.
Looked at my daughter's meet schedule which I've had since August---just never bothered to count up the meets. 1st meet is Jan. 12. As a Level 7, she will have 1 in gym mock meet in late Dec., then 5 in state sanctioned meets plus an out of state meet. Yes, there is the state meet, but I always feel I jinx her if I count that in before she's gotten the qualifying score:)
Well, we just got an e-mail that they've added 2 more meets to our schedule. So, that's 4 definite meets, plus states. Of course along with the e-mail was the meet fees that are both due within the next 2 weeks.:eek: I think I need a 2nd job!

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