WAG Oh, the irony...

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Proud Parent
Jun 26, 2015
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Anyone else appreciate the irony here?
(Courtesy of the USA Gymnastics Magazine: Summer 2017 Edition - arriving in a mailbox near you…)

On page 9, Safe Sport Policy containing the following verbiage:
“4. Photography/Videography.”
“Examples of photos that should be edited or deleted:
-> Open straddle positions
-> Any image where the genital area is prominent”

On Cover (of same magazine):
Stunningly beautiful pose by Laura Zeng (rhythmic), but…
It is a crotch shot photo, with Laura’s name written less than an inch from her “between the legs area”.
Less of her face is visible in the photo than her crotch.

So many other angles could have been used for the cover, that would have also demonstrated her awesome abilities, while showing much more respect to the athlete.

The “Unnecessary photo angle” category would also include the seemingly abundant front-shot photos of Tkatchev catches. Photos with "Unnecessary photo angle" should = Not published.

Parents for Responsible Photography of Female Gymnasts….
Yeah, I had the exact same thought, Suds.
What pose did Laura Zeng do? The magazine isn't on the usag website yet (I assume, the latest one is a guy on rings)
Funny I thought the same thing!! In fact there was something sitting on top of the magazine and the portion of the magazine that was showing was this particular image! Ridiculous
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Funny in a so not funny way. Where is the smacks head WTH thingy.

Easily a half dozen crotch shots in the issue.
Sadly, in the same issue they educate parents re Safe Sport Policy, they ignore the recommendations and deliver the message to us that they are not really concerned with taking the time to take the recommendations seriously. I just sent an email to the director of Safe Sport (Toby Stark) [email protected] at USAG (found the link on the USAG site) to express my concern. I encourage anyone else who would like their voice heard to do the same.
Coaches need to be educated too. I've seen a beam mount where she goes from a press handstand to a manna hold, then splits her legs into a V...facing the judges. Full crotch shot. Totally cringe worthy :s
This may need a new thread, but I'm curious, with all the things that Safe Sport is saying to do, are these changes being implemented in your gym, or have the gyms been notified that these changes need to be made by a certain date, etc?

I'm just curious if USAG has put the information out there and hopes that gyms will follow along, or are they actually doing something to see that gyms are making changes?
I'm just curious if USAG has put the information out there and hopes that gyms will follow along, or are they actually doing something to see that gyms are making changes?

I'm guessing USAG is not actively doing anything.... just by observing what's happened with the Klages hire for fill in help at Gedderts....I would think that at this point, any coach within a whiff of impropriety, and that includes defending those who do misbehave, would not be allowed to even "fill in" at a USAG affiliated club, but sadly, that's not what happened...

And I get that Klages hasn't been charged but she was on suspension at MSU before she abruptly retired..
All USAG professional members have to take the online class and pass the certification and the gyms are supposed to show proof of adopting the policies, I think by Jan 1st, but not certain of the date off the top of my head... However, since they can't even seem to monitor their own publication, I'm not sure how they will monitor that clubs are doing what they are supposed to do....
It jist seems to me if the I formation was sent to parents as well, perhaps the would be a little more accountability. The proposed changes are great and all, and much needed for may coaches/gyms, but I don't see much in the way of accountability.
It jist seems to me if the I formation was sent to parents as well, perhaps the would be a little more accountability. The proposed changes are great and all, and much needed for may coaches/gyms, but I don't see much in the way of accountability.

I think they sent an email out with the changes to parents, posted it on their website and now have published it in the magazine. You are correct, parents are the ones that need to help keep gyms and USAG accountable, which is why we as parents need to contact USAG and let them know that we have noticed their magazine is not following Safe Sport Initiatives-- and that they need to care that we have noticed. Another article in the magazine specifically addresses parent's role and the need to be proactive and speak up. It also has the link to the Stewards of Children certification which is a very beneficial training in the prevention of sexual abuse.
I think they sent an email out with the changes to parents, posted it on their website and now have published it in the magazine. You are correct, parents are the ones that need to help keep gyms and USAG accountable, which is why we as parents need to contact USAG and let them know that we have noticed their magazine is not following Safe Sport Initiatives-- and that they need to care that we have noticed. Another article in the magazine specifically addresses parent's role and the need to be proactive and speak up. It also has the link to the Stewards of Children certification which is a very beneficial training in the prevention of sexual abuse.

Right, I get the emails too, but to me it's more of a here's what we found and what we're changing, without addressing how they're actually going about any change. Yes, parents are the first line of defense. Parents are often also, gym enemy #1. It would be nice to see USAG utilize the fact that parents are the ones that care deeply about the safety of the gymnasts, to their advantage. Outlining the changes that are being made, how we can expect to see changes in our home gyms, what to do if we don't, or think there could be an issue with implementation, etc.
Our gym has very strict Child Abuse Prevention Policies (CAPP) with tons of checks and balances. It is kind of amazing to see what they have done!
Our gym has recently made some changes. We are no longer allowed to privately text or email coaches directly. Also, parents must be present during a private (which I thought was always the case, but I guess was inconsistent). As with anything else, I am sure that there will be some who do not follow the rules.
lots of changes around our gym. many good things happening.

one weird thing though is no video is allowed if undergarments are showing which the girls were told included the back of their sports bra. I get the photo stuff and had the same reaction to the usag mag, so weird, but this seems a bit extreme.

I know gyms that work out in sports bras and shorts. every girl in our gym beyond the age of 10 is required to wear a sports bra.

the coaches take training videos for college recruiting all the time since us parents aren't usually in the gym but we are encouraged to set up websites and post regularly.

they have switched to the girls filming each other which may be better but may also not be. now these photos are traveling home with kids to their parents rather than dirw,fly from her coach who I trust to me.

I'm sure it will take some adjustments and everyone getting on the same page. seems like a rational level of common sense would go a long way.

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