Old Meet Shirt Ideas?

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Jun 26, 2009
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I started competing when I was 11, and in the 4 years since then I've accumulated a LOT of meet shirts.

Unfortunately, since then, I don't really fit all the meet shirts I have. I'm pretty sentimental, so I don't want to throw the shirts out. Not to mention, they weren't cheap!

My question is, what do you guy's do with your old meet shirts?
One of my sons likes to thumbtack the shirts along with any medals/ribbons to his bedroom wall, kinda like wall paper but not. He jokingly calls it his wall of fame.
You could have them made into a t shirt quilt, if you like that sort of thing.
I was just about to say the same thing. I think making them into a quilt would be a great way to keep them, and do something useful with them
Someone I know did their textiles major work as a quilt of all the band teeshirts she had accumulated over the years, if there was enough of them you could do something like this?

SOrry for repeating other ideas didn't read the posts before, looks like we all have the same idea
If you can hand sew a little, you could turn them into mini pillows... just trim the sleeves, and neck, turn inside out, sew all open edges but leave a small hole, and stuff with cotton. Then sew hole up. You could use hot glue to add some decorative accents like ribbon...my oldest DD did this girl scouts, and made some cute bed pillows! :)
I was going to say blanket or pillow. You don't need to cut off the arms either just stitch up the arm holes and neck and stuff them they are cute looking like a t=shirt as a pillow.

You could also cut out the part that says what meet it is and then just sew them all together and frame them for wall art too.
My DD sews and has cut them up and made pillows, travel bags, grip bags (also for wrist supports).
There are directions online for tshirt bags, if you have one or 2 that are super special to you (or if you like carrying purses and such). A team I coached for had them as our gym bags & they were adorable.

I made one of mine into a bulliten board, too.

(since pillows/quilts were already mentioned)
I'm saving my daughter's old meet shirts thinking that some day they'll become a quilt. Not made by me, mind you. Of course, if she sticks with gym till she graduates, she'll have so many shirts that the quilt will be big enough to carpet her first apartment, and if she quits, a quilt of gym shirts may not be quite as meaningful, but whatever. I keep saving them anyway.
I made my daughter a tee shirt quilt out of hers, over 40 tee shirts collected over 10 years. front and back are covered
i have save all of my DD's to make a quilt. now that she has 'retired' i am just waiting for her to outgrow the ones that still fit !

You may want to have her pick out her favorites from each year it might make that carpet a more reasonable size. The quilt could even be trimmed with fabric from some of her favorite leos (if she would allow them to be cut up). An iron on square on the back with a sentence about each square would be really meaningful too.
I love the ideas about the pillows! If there are a lot though, I would probably cut the coolest part of the shirt, then sew it up. Go on to pinterest and look up t-shirt crafts to get some ideas. They always have cool stuff.

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