I just want to say how much I appreciate this thread. I too have an "older" gymnast--a 12 year old level 4. She started late (rec. about 8.5, preteam about 9 if I remember correctly). She loves gymnastics and is a very hard worker. But she feels tremendous anxiety because of her age. She worries often that she will be "forced" into excel (which, at her gym, is very much less serious). She has her gym strengths and weaknesses like so many others, but to her it feels urgent to get skills. She is not a phenom. If she were younger she wouldn't mind probably doing 2 years at a level, but because of her age she feels like that would be a huge shame that must be avoided at all costs. She knows she will not be a college athlete or Olympian, but she has a lot of pride.
I wish she didn't put so much pressure on herself. She is in amazing shape and I think gym has been a very good force in her life. As so many other parents have noted here, she has amazing focus and work ethic in every area of her life. I attribute that, in large part, to gym. I just wish it didn't come with anxiety and pressure.