Parents One Year Out from Switch and No Regrets

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Feb 28, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I don't post much but lurk often :o

But I thought y'all might be interested in how DD is doing one year out since we switched gyms...

She competed level 4 this year and it was a struggle. She came to this gym end of april last year and the only skills she had were pullover/back hip circle on bars, nothing on beam, bridge kickover on floor, and no vault. A previous coach had terrorized her on vault so she was afraid to even jump onto the spring board.

Well, here are the level 4 skills she has mastered...

Everything on bars except front hip circle (so close) and underswing dismount (didn't do an underswing just droppped off). Bars is not her strongest event but she loves loves loves bars. She is actually doing much better training level 5 skills than she did level 4. I think its cause there's more swinging around and she loves to swing. She is working on her kip and is making progress. She has her squat on jump to high bar and her tap swings look really good.

Everything on floor except ROBHS. She got it on tumble trak without spot. She never competed standing BHS so her floor scores were never much. She can do ROBHS on TT but hasn't done it on floor. Since level 4 season is over, coach takes her group with in the group and is mostly working on standing BHS improving shape and form. Not spending any time on ROBHS right now. Which I'm sure is her plan and will work out well in the end with great form. She is working on FHS and they look pretty good. DD has a nice shape and is a habitual toe pointer.

Beam, this is where she does best. She FINALLY, at her last level 4 meet made top ten on beam. She was 5th highest score but 9th place due to a 5 way tie for 4th place (all were her own teammates). But she was so thrilled to FINALLY get an award that not everyone got. I was so happy for her. What a great way to end a tough season.

Vault - this is the area she has improved the most in. She is not a strong vaulter by any means. Very slow run, timid, but.... She is doing it! She pikes badly, but manages to get over each and every time. With much patience her coaches have gotten her over the fear instilled by her previous coach. She is still working her Handstand flop onto mats (which are getting much better with less noticeable pike) and FHS into the pit. They are going slow with vault which is great for DD.

So how do we feel about the new gym??? We are extremely happy we made the switch. They've brought DD a LONG way and she is certainly enjoying the ride. I told her of the long hours to expect in the summer and she squealed with delight! We'll see how she feels when a swimming pool is calling her!

She has great coaches. Her bars and beam coaches are very parent like in their treatment of the kids and that has helped DD so much. The head coach is all business but also takes time out to laugh and play with the girls before they get started with their rotation. Once it starts though, she's pretty much all business with high expectations. DD does fine with her though as it is a respect thing, not a verbal abuse thing as she experienced at the previous gym.

So overall WE are very happy and DD is loving gymnastics more than ever. Glad I can come here even if I don't post much.

Nice to hear positive gym change stories. It is very hard to change gyms sometimes, though sometimes it is easy. It doesn't always work out, but many times does. I think the child has to have a good fit with the gym for sure. We actually just changed back to a gym that she has been at before, but she was in preschool gym then and now is on team. She has to repeat level 4 at the new gym (would have done level 5 at old gym), but I think it is the right thing for her and I think she does as well. :)

Glad your DD has found the right fit and is doing well!

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