Ontario Cup Sunday

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Hi DD has Ontario cup on Sunday AM 7:30 start time. Some good luck never hurt anyone!
~*~*~*GOOD LUCK*~*~*~ I hope she has a wonderful experience! The real accomplishment was qualifying.

Tell her Rayna and I will be crossing her fingers for her to have her best meet ever!
Best of luck for the meet. Have fun and enjoy every moment.
Thanks guys! We headed out today to cheer on a teammate DD is so excited. The memories we make together!
Good luck!! we'll be there for 2nd flight, wish us luck too!
Oh the massiveness that is the level 5 10/11 year old group!! Wish your daughter lots of luck and make sure she has lots of fun and relaxes...from what I saw last week those that just let loose had some great results! Let us know how it goes!
Thanks everyone! DD was so nervous! She placed 8th on bars in her flight. She had a few wobbles on beam but other than that a solid meet or so I thought. She was quite disappointed with her performance as she didn't think she did her best. I pulled out every p[ositive I could think of but sometimes quiet and lots of Mom hugs are all you can do.
We bought the sweater which she loves and are looking forward to cheering on her teammates at Provincials in a few weeks.
She's at the gym tonight working on next season's skills. Hopefully she has a great practice and that brightens her mood a bit.
Thanks again for the good luck wishes. Any tips on living with a 10 year old perfectionist? ;)
bcgmom How did your daughter make out? Hoping your headed to Windsor!:)
Great job, she was in a tough age group and it was a huge acheivment just to get to the cup. Great job on bars. As for the prfectionism, it's a tough one but she'll learn to deal with it her own way. Uptraining is always a good way to cheer a kid up, way more fun than just same old routines.

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