So you are saying that you would allow your daughter to invite everyone on her team but one person if you had some sort of justification or rationale to make you feel okay with it?
It is not that simple.
My daughter has gym friends, school friends, friends on the block, friends from mommy and me, Chinese school friends.
I have encouraged her to have many interests. Its a way to counter bullying and relational aggression. Her identity is not tied to one thing. So if there are issues in one place she has others to offset it.
If we were to invite everyone she is friends with the number would be close to 30. Clearly that can't happen all the time.
So for instance a couple of years ago she wanted to go to a local water park for her birthday. I only could afford and felt comfortable with her and 2 friends. Her first thought was friends on the block, well no way to do that without including younger sibs which affected cost and height restrictions on rides. So she elected to ask 2 of her school friends instead. She is also mindful that she has different sets of friends so she can not invite just one from say Chinese school, because as host she needs to interact with all her guests so she can not invite one kid from say gym or Chinese school, she must invite at least 2 so they have someone to hang with if she is with anther guest.
Regarding her team we would never exclude only one, if we could afford and accommodate 11, we could make 12 work. Same with her class of 25, if we could make 22-23 work then its everyone.
But the reality is she wants a sleepover for her birthday. I will not be able to include everyone of her friends. We can not have her whole team. So we might pear down the invites so we can afford a treat gathering of her team. And a few school classmates for the sleepover.
The sleep over she just got invited to she has known the guest of honor since they were 3, again the mom can"t have the whole team but more like half. There are kids who are team mates and kids who are friends outside of gym. Some girls will not be invited. It happens. Its not mean, its just reality.
There will be no carrying on about a party in front of the "team". But it is what it is.