Parents Order of Gymnasts on Apparatus

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Proud Parent
Sep 13, 2016
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This may be a dumb question, but how do they determine who goes first, second, third, etc on the apparatus? I also notice the lineup seems different on every apparatus. Is this totally random or is there a rhyme or reason to it? Just curious.
Our coaches normally start with someone who can consistently hit their routine and end with the girl who normally scores the highest. If they have a choice that is. Some meets like state have a random predetermined order.
Some gyms group by bar settings. Some let the athletes have a say and let those who like to go early, some go by alpha or reverse alpha order.
Our gym usually goes in order of proficiency - so the girls that tend to score lower on an apparatus go first and they end with the girl that tends to score the highest. I'm sure that's to maximize scores. It's not talked about, but the girls notice. It was a big deal to my dd when she moved further back in the lineup. ;)
State regionals and nationals, I think they start with random order and then move to girls to the back of the line two each rotation, so that nobody is starting first or going last more than once.
Sometimes they ask DD's group who wants to go first. Sometimes on beam they like to put someone up first who will hit the routine and set the tone for the group. When several had the same floor music they would space them out so that the judges didn't have to hear the same music twice in a row. Vault is usually done on setting. Sometimes the meet organizers determine the order. Probably most common is to put the higher scorers later in the lineup, but not always.
Funny story, my daughter at level 2 last year had this idea that if she went later in the lineup, it meant her coaches thought she was the highest scorer (which had been typically true throughout the season). At state, it was totally random and she was drawn first to go on floor, first event. She literally completed her floor routine with tears in her eyes, and I had no idea what was going on...was she hurt?? Sick??? NO! She thought bc she went first, it meant her coach thought “she was the worst!” I have no idea how she even completed her routine while crying and even scored a 9.55 for 2nd in floor but since then, I Have had multiple discussions with her regarding order!!
The meet director prints out a rotation sheet. Each event has a starting line up. Let's say there are 10 girls in each group. The vault will start with the first girl, and next to her name it says Vault. 2 names down, the girl has Bars next to her name. She will start on bars. Two more girls down it says Beam next to her name, she will start on beam. Then 2 more girls down on the list it says Floor next to her name. She will start on floor. Each event starts with the first girl having that event next to her name. If this were the bars squad, the 1st girl has Bars next to her name, 2 girls down it says Beam next to that name, 2 girls down it says Floor next to that name, and 2 more down it says Vault next to that name. Whichever girl has the even name next to her name will start on that event. Usually only bars is allowed to rearrange the order for bar settings to save time and to give the coaches a break from constantly switching the bars around. And this Order process is for all meets, not just state and above
So is it pretty standard that the coaches don't set the order at state? It doesn't vary by state? I'm actually happy to hear this as I think my daughter would try to analyze what her place in the order meant!
Our gym usually goes in order of proficiency - so the girls that tend to score lower on an apparatus go first and they end with the girl that tends to score the highest. I'm sure that's to maximize scores. It's not talked about, but the girls notice. It was a big deal to my dd when she moved further back in the lineup. ;)
Toward the end of the season, our coach will see who still needs to qualify for Nationals and strategically place them in the line up to maximize their scores... not putting them AFTER a girl who does great.
First is a table setter (someone who does well going first, is consistent, and has already qualified). Then is someone that might struggle on the event. Then someone needing to qualify (that is close). Then another solid gymnast... They do not go in order worst to best or anything like that.
If there are enough that some may need to move to the next event while others are still competing, then they have the girls do this, but in 2 groups... sometimes based on bar settings. If it is a multi-level group (Xcel Gold and L5 OR L6-L8 and Xcel Platinum), then they are split by levels (L6 goes either first or last... L5 and big bar Golds go first).
At our old gym the girls just took turns. So Meet 1, Child A was first on all events, then B, C, D, E. Next meet, B, C, D, E, A. And so on. No idea how it will go at the new gym- first meet is coming up though so I guess we'll find out!

My DD's first meet, she was the first kid up for her team on all events. They started on beam. First meet, first kid, on beam- I don't think I breathed the entire routine!
Funny story, my daughter at level 2 last year had this idea that if she went later in the lineup, it meant her coaches thought she was the highest scorer (which had been typically true throughout the season). At state, it was totally random and she was drawn first to go on floor, first event. She literally completed her floor routine with tears in her eyes, and I had no idea what was going on...was she hurt?? Sick??? NO! She thought bc she went first, it meant her coach thought “she was the worst!” I have no idea how she even completed her routine while crying and even scored a 9.55 for 2nd in floor but since then, I Have had multiple discussions with her regarding order!!

Oh no! So glad it didn’t seem to effect her routine! It’s amazing that kids are able to pick up on little details like lineup order.
We are like Flyaway - lower scorers first, and the one expected to have the highest scores towards the end. This was never told to the kids or parents, but I caught on from reading this board a couple years ago. And my daughter caught on by the time she was 10. She often went last on bars, but was an earlier vaulter. She was so proud to be 2nd from last at state last year (glad she kept this to herself until we were home).

The exception is beam - coaches publicly say "falls are contagious" so they put a steady girl out first "to set the tone." I have seen a meet where every one of our girls fell off beam, all on a different skill, so the coach could have a point! :)
Our meets let coaches decide with cards. Our gym and it seems most gyms. Start weaker kids first finishing with stronger kids.
We are like Flyaway - lower scorers first, and the one expected to have the highest scores towards the end. This was never told to the kids or parents, but I caught on from reading this board a couple years ago. And my daughter caught on by the time she was 10. She often went last on bars, but was an earlier vaulter. She was so proud to be 2nd from last at state last year (glad she kept this to herself until we were home).

The exception is beam - coaches publicly say "falls are contagious" so they put a steady girl out first "to set the tone." I have seen a meet where every one of our girls fell off beam, all on a different skill, so the coach could have a point! :)

Our coaches seem to have their own methods for each event even. I know bars often has the best girls first and last. Maybe it has something to do with the bar settings. Beam does seem weakest to strongest, but our coach doesn't let the girls watch their teammates until they themselves have gone! They sit facing away from the beam.
We are like Flyaway - lower scorers first, and the one expected to have the highest scores towards the end. This was never told to the kids or parents, but I caught on from reading this board a couple years ago. And my daughter caught on by the time she was 10. She often went last on bars, but was an earlier vaulter. She was so proud to be 2nd from last at state last year (glad she kept this to herself until we were home).

The exception is beam - coaches publicly say "falls are contagious" so they put a steady girl out first "to set the tone." I have seen a meet where every one of our girls fell off beam, all on a different skill, so the coach could have a point! :)
The state meet rotation is pre-determined by a draw and can't be changed.

I've always liked the beam coaches who won't let the other gymnasts watch.

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