So relating to you......From PA too... My 8yr lvl 5 DD had been consistantly scoring over 33.00 the previous three meets and actually improving at each one. At Sectionals, bars were just not her event giving her a low score. She had to get an 8.25 on beam to hit the qualifying score. This would have been no problem. I wasn't worried. Well, when the score flashed up...8.125..I felt my heart sink. I watched her and it didn't phase her. She was actually overly excited because the whole team stuck their beam routines with no falls and when that happens, the coach gets them popsicles. Later while awards where given out, they handed her her ribbons...she then saw her all around 32.875 and mouthed to me "I didn't make states" but then was right back with the girls dancing and waiting for awards.
On the ride home, she said "so will I be able to qualify again at another meet?" She just didn't understand the whole thing. I felt kinda sad explaining that basically she was done for the year.
I think I was more upset for her than she was. I guess this is her age. She does gymnastics for fun and her scores are not something she is focusing on. I guess that is all that matters right she having fun at what she doing because really....she is only 8 and will have many other gymnastic accomplishments (and failures) in the future...