+1 to Coachp's post.
I do not live or coach in CA. As a coach in a different state I take the best steps I can on behalf of my athletes.
Before the school year begins I/athlete/parent send a personal letter to each Physical Education Instructor and AD (when appropriate) on behalf of my athletes. In summary we identify the student/athlete as an everyday athlete, mental and physical fitness state/goals with their practice schedule. I reference the USA-G website and briefly speak to their athletic demands and their sport. I reference a couple of vids of skills the athlete is "upgrading this current summer). Importantly I thank them for advancing the fitness/nutrition/sports ethos that our gym/myself advocate everyday and offer myself as a resource if they need. Lifetime fit body and fit mind for the student/athlete is our shared goal.
I share that the student/gymnast has committed everyday athletic demands. Having an athlete/parents commit to being 100% committed to their sport does not allow room for additional very strenuous demands without injury. You can not go healthily beyond 100%. I provide a sample weekly planner to demonstrate fitness/athletic pedagogic goals. Accompanying the Workout Planner I provide an Annual meet schedule in spreadsheet form with fitness (High,medium, low intensity), tasks/upgrades (same intensity), routine (same intensity) gridded for each 6 week period.
The last paragraph we ask (1) that the Phy Ed teacher or AD contact me with any questions. we ask (2) that the student/athlete not be given deferense for assignments, but ask that the assignments be given with consideration of the athletic/mental load already committed to by the gymnast. Suggestion of having the athlete test out of goals that my be duplicative of current fitness/sport demands. is made. We ask (3) that during intense fitness/routines (highest being before important competitions) that assignments be given that would allow the student/athlete to stay safe/healthy. We make ourselves available upon short notice to test any fitness requirement to reduce the total load on the athlete.
The letters, I have mutually signed by myself (coach on behalf of program), parent and athlete, have been an effective first step to communicate. I follow-up with a call to the Phy Ed instructor early Fall to check in and confirm important dates (Travel Meets/State/Regions/Nationals).
I have come across Phy Ed teachers who brush our communication off , I find out through other sources they believe me odd, doubt the veracity and motives of our communication, AD's who make no time, limited time or ignore the communications. Many, most Phy Ed Teachers, in my experience read and appreciate being involved even if they can not alter their delivery of required cirriculum. Those folks have been helpful on behalf of my athletes. even if they have not showed consideration, I continue, respectfully and with integrity, as it is what I teach my athletes (and I am confident they demonstrate).
The best case scenario happened this year when a local Middle School Phy.Ed.Teacher had several of my athletes in class. During busy Nov. (pre-season load is high and the first meets coming allowed them to test out of weight resistance training/volleyball/basketball. They had assignments/tests on game rules and etc. We tested out of the running unit in Feb. Using our gym treadmill, Coach's Eye vid and coach sig. we verified the performance. During the travel meets they were allowed to present vids of routines for grade. During the couple weeks, March/April, during the run-up to State/Regions they were allowed to do written assignments and submit vids of their competed routines. They were recognized in the class, respectfully treated and enjoyed the class. As we neared the end of the year I had the girls send a Thank You card to the Phy Ed teacher and AD.
Now above aside, do not get me started on sharing an athlete with a MS or HS track program. Fraught with injury and rehab. has been my limited experience.
EJ, I suggest you involve the gymnastics coach or business owner in your quest for consideration of your gymnast. Even if nothing comes of it, the coach/business will be better prepared to anticipate for your everyday athlete.
Best, SBG -