We seem to have more interaction than others. Our gym does a family get together each year at a lake, has a parents night at the gym where the gymnasts lead the parents through a practice (so fun for everyone!), a team meeting for all parents and gymnasts at the beginning of the season, and the banquet at the end. There are a lot of parents that watch for a little while at the beginning or end of practice, and a few that stay for most of practice. The gym has tables set up with plenty of outlets, so parents can come watch and still get work done. There are also a number of parents who carpool. The team parents usually sit together at meets and sometimes plan dinners. People also engage through the team app. There are also volunteer activities and team parent roles. The parents at our gym are very friendly, they make an effort to know who all the gymnasts are and support them, and they really do get to know each other. I think I may be a bit spoiled!