Coaches pelvic stress fracture

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Hi! My 14 yo level 7 daughter, was injured last summer. At first, it was thought to be a muscle injury and was treated as such ... lots of physical therapy, etc. and decreased time and reps in the gym. 4 months later the pain continued, and an MRI revealed that she had a pelvic stress fracture. She was out of the gym for 8 weeks and then allowed to go back after a repeat MRI. Her coaches have been very careful with her, gradually building back her strength and limiting vaults, tumbling etc. (actually waiting another 4 weeks before allowing the vaulting and tumbling). A couple of weeks ago she reached the point of being able to compete. Unfortunately, she has just started to experience the same pain in the same location so back to the doctor she goes.

Have any of you had any experience with gymnasts with pelvic stress fractures?
If so, how has the healing process been in terms of length of time? Has the gymnast been able to successfully return to gymnastics at a level where they are able to compete? In your opinion, is this an injury that a gymnast can recover from and then return to the sport?

Thank you!
I'm not sure I understand the injury.

What is a pelvic stress fracture? Stress fractures are often caused by repeated pounding. Does your daughter have structural issues with her back and pelvis?

Is it a flexibility issue? Did she pull the bone away with muscle?

It seems kind of weird.
Sorry, if I haven't been clear....

Yes, stress fractures occur in bones usually if not always caused by repeated pounding. They are not really breaks but bruising (sometimes extreme) to the bone.

My daughter's stress fracture is in a bone in her left hip. This bone is part of the pelvis - a collection of bones that make up our hips etc. - a very core area of our body. Hope that makes sense. stress fractures in the pelvic bones, I am finding are not common in gymnasts but are more common in runners. My daughter is not a runner - except in the past as part of gymnastic training.

No, this didn't occur because of a flexibility issue or muscle pulling away from the bone (according to her MD) but rather intense training - repeated pounding... No structural issues in pelvis or back except perhaps weaker bones?

My question really is to see if any coaches have seen/or heard of this injury in their gymnasts and to find out what the outcome was.

I've never heard of it happening to anyone I know, but I'm sure it has happened before---gymnasts tend to find any and every kind of injury. Please keep us informed--I'm curious to find out more about it.
Yeah...I'm really intrigued.

I could see pelvic stress fractures as a problem during the 1980s when gymnasts trained on horrible floors and bad equipment, but nowadays it seems really unlikely.

I'm picturing the femoral head banging on the hip socket, but I just can't see how that could happen. So weird. It would have to be because of some instability in the hip joint. Do her legs/feet rotate out or in at a severe angle?

And only a Level 7? There really isn't that much pounding at that level.
Thank you for both of your inputs. Saw the MD and as of now she is out of gymnastics for ~5 months except for some conditioning and possibly bars starting in a month or so. As my daughter is not ready to give up the sport, we will search for a ortho. MD who also knows about optional gymnastics training. ..... in hopes of getting some answers as to the cause of the injury and importantly the prevention of recurrance. I'll post again, if we get any answers that might help someone else.
Hi anonymous

My suggestion would be to contact Larry Nasser. He is the USA Womens head physiotherapist rehabilition staff. He is extremely knowledgable, if anyone could help your daughter he would. I dont know if these are still the detail but if you go to Link Removed near the bottom you will find his contact details:
Here they are just incase
Email: [email protected]
Work: Michigan State University

I would contac him and at least ask for some advice or get him to recommend to you who you should go see in your area.

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