please help..

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Jun 13, 2010
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okay so this is really embarrassing but who cares... okay so for gym I always have to wear black leotards because i have really sweaty armpits and if i wear colored ones you can see sweat stains and the black ones hide it more,, and im tired of weaaring black ones let alone haveing sweaty armpits,, I wear an anti persperant, shower every day,,, what can i do ?
Is it only when you work out or is it a problem in general? If you sweat copious amounts and the anti-perspirant is not effective, you may want to talk to your doctor. There is a condition called hyperhidrosis (you can look it up in Wikipedia). You might need a stronger or different kind of anti-perspirant, or other treatment option.
Maybe you're the only one working hard enough?
All the girls 12 and up that I've ever seen doing gym always sweat buckets - faces, down their backs, etc.
I think you should wear sweat spots like a badge of honour!! :)
If you're wearing a leo with sleeves, would a tank style leotard be better, because you have the air to your pits?

(My daughter has this problem with her competition leotard! She hates the photos with her arms up because it always shows!)
If you're wearing a leo with sleeves, would a tank style leotard be better, because you have the air to your pits?

(My daughter has this problem with her competition leotard! She hates the photos with her arms up because it always shows!)

no they are sleeveless,, but yea i'm the same for compition to
Is it only when you work out or is it a problem in general? If you sweat copious amounts and the anti-perspirant is not effective, you may want to talk to your doctor. There is a condition called hyperhidrosis (you can look it up in Wikipedia). You might need a stronger or different kind of anti-perspirant, or other treatment option.

it is a bit a probem in general but more so when im doing activity
I have the same problem...I sweat buckets and buckets no matter what the season is, though it's definitely worse in the summer. My beam routines are magically better once it gets colder out because my feet are so much less slippery! I'll chalk them up before I go, but if it's warm out, they're soaked again by the middle of my routine. For me, I think it's genetic - my mother is even worse than I am. She's an ice skater, so it's always cold when she's working out, but she still gets giant sweat stains...

In practice I'd wear a sleeveless leo. It's much better for "airing." If you want, you could bring a rag or a towel to practice and slyly take it to the bathroom with you to wipe off your pits - cause teammates might think that's gross even though it works pretty well.

For comps, I'd advise you just to ignore it. If whomever cares more about your underarms than your skills, that's their problem. Anyway, don't teams all have to wear the same leos? Our comps are Sept - March so we usually don't have to deal with superhot temperatures. If you get pictures of yourself with stains...maybe you can digitally edit them.
Try disposable underarm dress shields. They have them on Amazon. When I was a pre-teen we used them to protect borrowed clothes we used for modeling. They work great and you can't tell they're there.
I used to have nasty arm pit sweat, it would be from my pit down my arms if I wore a sleeved shirt and this was just doing nothing, if I worked out it was even worse. I know how embarrassing it is! Then I found the magic of clinical strength anti perspirant. I use Degree but several companies make it and it is available over the counter. It works differently but building up in your pores, it actually works best but using it at night but you can put it on during the day as well. Never had another problem since I started using it.
One thing I found to help a lot with the pits, get the deodorants that are prescription strength. They are a little bit more expensive (12-13 vs 3 bucks), but they work. I found that the degree sport worked best
my sister and I also both have this problem. I just don't pay attention to it when I work out, but it bothered me so much when I was younger. I also like Degree clinical strength, like someone mentioned earlier. My sister uses a prescription strength deodorant, but I find they usually make my armpits itch :/.
i wouldn't worry about it all gymnasts sweat!! it means your working hard!! i get sweat patches but i work my but off lol no one cares everyone is sweaty and working hard in the gym :)
i wouldn't worry about it all gymnasts sweat!! it means your working hard!! i get sweat patches but i work my but off lol no one cares everyone is sweaty and working hard in the gym :)

but the thing is no one else is sweaty like that, and they are working just as hard as i am thats why i am worried about it
but the thing is no one else is sweaty like that, and they are working just as hard as i am thats why i am worried about it

Some people just sweat more! It can seem embarrassing, but hopefully everyone is paying attention to what they're working on and not how much someone is sweating. Has someone recently mentioned it, so it's bothering you more? Just say you're working hard! I usually hate it if I don't sweat during a good workout! I would take the advice of people here with trying different deodorants and bringing a small towel to gym. In ballet sometimes people got sweat marks towards the crotch area of the leotard, and it was always embarrassing, but we learned to wear our sweat marks with pride and laugh about it together. If it is really bothering you talk to your doctor about it and see what advice they have.
I sweat a lot too lol. I always got big stains around the midriff and under arms of any hologram leo I wore. These days I just wear velvet. It seems like they'll be hotter and make you sweat more, but you can't tell you're sweating just from looking at the leotard because the fabric conceals it. I don't have any light colored velvet leos, but I think they're almost as good as the dark ones.
hey, i also use a perscription deodorant you can get rexona womens ones for around $13 at woolworths you probs don't have woolies in america lol but at a local supermarket they should have it!! just have a good look around and read labels!! also the perscription ones last 48HRS that is really long u can put it on at night and then not have to put it on in the morning and just go to school lol they are really good and dont make you sweat and i have never itched from them and i was a bad sweater even good friends who would never say anything mean were like u stink so i was BAD lol but not anymore perscription deodorants r the best and when people read perscription they always think they have to be prescribed by a doctor but you just get them at the supermarket lol goodluck -Jess x :)

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