Please read, especially the gymnasts group.

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Guess so long it doesn't spell like "hA"

Why are you pleading with me? It was Bog that you're teasing and she is the one with the power.

I was just pleading to the powers that be, LOL. I was teasing Bog, but also just trying to get a laugh.

Your first sentence cracked me up.

I can see why text speak was invented, especially before full QWERTY keyboards on phones, but there is a time and place for it and I don't think that forums, emails, etc are the place.
Oh i meant just at the begging of a post or something. not just a single word post. thanks anyways =]
thank you but there is no edit for the signature? there is for everything else just not the signature:(
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Yes there is! Go to your user CP, then in the column that says your conttrol panel about a third of the way down is a button called edit your signature. You changed it when you joined and it hasn't moved.
I'm in total agreement with the OP. But am I the only one who finds DD/DH/DS annoyingly twee?
It is twee, I tend to use gymmie instead. But I think it's a North American thing. I've never heard it in the UK.
I'm in total agreement with the OP. But am I the only one who finds DD/DH/DS annoyingly twee?

I actually do find it irritating, and have never seen it anywhere other than these boards. But it's far less annoying than, say, luv, gr8, ur, and that most heinous of tween crimes, ending every sentenc with "lol" instead of a period.

*shrug* one has to choose one's battles.
I'm on the runner's world online forums and DH/DS/DD/DW are all used there. They are not however used on the pole vault forum I visit. Interesting.
I'm on the runner's world online forums and DH/DS/DD/DW are all used there. They are not however used on the pole vault forum I visit. Interesting.
Yeah, I think it's all board dependent and maybe it just took one for it to catch on. I also follow other forums and newsgroups and these D* terms are never found there. I found it very annoying here at first. Now, I'm just accustomed to their use. np
I love the quote at the bottom

I have noticed more and more tween/teen msn speak going on lately and it is driving me nuts.

You all know that this is a board for the 13 and up crowd and therefore we have created rules that need to be followed regarding that. Posts need to be grammatically correct, with good spelling and punctuation.

This is not working for me.

OMG peeeps, write me!!!!!!!!!! don't U luv gym???????? :0 its the best

Also remember that your signature is not to be filled with avatars or funky little emoticons. It uses up too much bandwidth and costs us too much money.

Respect the Chatbox rules too.

Please try to pay more attention to this or I will have to get tough, and that can be ugly!
Lovin the quote
I have noticed more and more tween/teen msn speak going on lately and it is driving me nuts.

You all know that this is a board for the 13 and up crowd and therefore we have created rules that need to be followed regarding that. Posts need to be grammatically correct, with good spelling and punctuation.
Just saw a YouTube video where Teen Vogue interviews Taylor Swift, who, in addition to becoming arguably the biggest current musical sensation, has pioneered the use of social media to expand and develop her fan base. In the attached video at 5:42 she says that she always makes sure that her electronic communications have correct spelling and grammar.

YouTube - Taylor Swift Exclusive Interview With Teen Vogue

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