Off Topic Pokemon Go

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However, I will not download it for my family - if we are wondering around our beautiful countryside, I want to be looking at it, not trying to capture non-existant creatures. I know this makes me very old-fashioned, but I don't see it as a great thing for humanity, I see it as a very sad thing that we have got so into video games that the only way to get people out of doors is to turn the world into a video game!

I think one of the great things about the game is that it IS very possible to be walking around enjoying the outdoors while playing, without being glued to the screen at all. You can keep your phone in your pocket, go for a walk, and just pull it out every once in a while when it vibrates to catch a pokemon.

As far as I'm concerned, if it gets people out and moving who otherwise would be inside on the couch, it's a great thing! I ran a half marathon with my 28 year old brother the other day, and he insisted on keeping the app running in his pocket during the race to hatch all of his eggs :rolleyes:
I think one of the great things about the game is that it IS very possible to be walking around enjoying the outdoors while playing, without being glued to the screen at all. You can keep your phone in your pocket, go for a walk, and just pull it out every once in a while when it vibrates to catch a pokemon.

As far as I'm concerned, if it gets people out and moving who otherwise would be inside on the couch, it's a great thing! I ran a half marathon with my 28 year old brother the other day, and he insisted on keeping the app running in his pocket during the race to hatch all of his eggs :rolleyes:
Ok, that is better then. I was imagining people wandering around bumping into people and ignoring the scenery. I do like the fact that an Australian (I think?) dog shelter is persuading people to take rescue dogs out for walks when they are doing their Pokemon game.
So there was no way we ( collective, Royal we lol) were playing this game...seems Dd has it on her phone, apparently Ds was gonna DIE if he couldn't borrow my phone & load it- they're having a blast & looking forward to finding out how to hatch those eggs now lurking on my phone as I walk tomorrow!!....;):D

now and then, somebody would yell "there's a primeape over here!" or "lots of pikachus over here" and the crowd would converge, and chat, and have a blast.
at I couldn't catch that primeape. I mean, sure, I catch enough mankeys to evolve one of them, but how often do you see a wild primeape?

I've been playing a fair amount, and have only seen 4 Pikachu, no primeape, and only 1 Mankey! Funny how different areas have such different Pokémon!
I keep catching Pidgies, Weedles and Rattatas. Our street is bursting with them.

My biggest accomplishment however is that Onix I got out of an egg. :D
I am off to the big city to meet up with my 3 kids and go hunting. DS says I have way different pokemon that he has been catching in the city. It will be interesting to see. Up here I hunt alone because there are so few people.
My dog has been benefiting enormously from my addiction to this game: I've lately been taking him on a 4-mile walk every morning to hit all the pokestops in the neighborhood
oh my word - NEW POKEMON!!!!!!
my 7yo son and my 12yo dd play.
my son woke me up at 8:24 yesterday (saturday) all excited that there was an update and there were new pokemon at the stops around us. of course i got myself up and we went hunting. i wanted to sleep more (my only morning to be lazy) but hey, new pokemon! my dd was away so i signed into her account and off we went. we went last night too and then this morning before church. my son noticed a SNORLAX!!!! at the library. i was late for church. :rolleyes:
so i don't technically play as i don't have my own account but....
i'm glad i enjoy it though b/c it's one thing the 3 of us can do together. on our trip to manhattan for my other dd's meet we sat and laughed ourselves silly in our 28th floor hotel room. google maps was so confused so we could sit in our hotel room and our players would roam w/o us ever having to move.
i LOVE the new ones. so cute.
Definitely been loving the new pokemon.

Also loving the fact that the parkour gym where I coach has two pokestops and a gym

our church has a gym near it and if i get in the right area in church, i can fight in the gym. :oops: . i don't do it during church ( of course!) but i volunteer at a kid's program on friday nights. so if there's a lull.....
I tend to play in airports as I travel a lot. I have snagged some coolsones that way. I ran out of pokeballs in Mexico City though, so missed some good catches lately

oh no! that's tragic! lol

we go to maine - bar harbor/acadia national park every year and there's some fun ones there. i think that's where we got their one and only Onyx. and this year we are also heading out to CA/Disney Land/the coast area.
Haha I'm still in love with this. Even being a mother, I cannot stop playing this game

me too! even though it's my (7yo) son's game on my phone. this summer we were hiking up a pretty tall mountain on our yearly vacation to maine and i was using my phone for pics and my oldest daughter had a dragonite pop up on her game at the summit (!!!). instead of letting my son catch it on my phone, i caught it and told him after. :p

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