Posting safely on CB

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I'd love to start a private "Brag" group, where regular CB posters can feel more comfortable posting pics, videos, and specifics of meets. I've noticed a decline in video posting, probably for a good reason, and my DD and I really do like watching the videos of others... everything from the teeny-tiny's up through the level 10's! And, of course, I enjoy doing some bragging myself! ;)
I regularly post in one of the private groups and I will say that I feel much more comfortable going into detail in there about my DD and her gymnastics. It is a great group and I even got to meet one of the members IRL, which was really fun :) Bog is very right in saying that it takes traffic away from the main board, though. A "brag" group for posting videos/results/pics sounds like a great idea.
First, I'd be interested in a private group for posting videos.

Second, I do think that coaches and owners may rightfully be concerned about what's posted online about their gyms, whether it's coming from someone at that gym or someone who's just observed that gym at a meet or in other circumstances. In my line of work there is an anonymous site where people talk about the services we provide. Some of it is fine, and some criticism is deserved, but because comments can be pseudonymous or anonymous, there's no accountability and some people take advantage of that to exaggerate or tell outright lies. There's no way for any outside observer to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I'm reminded of the fable about gossip: A serial gossiper goes to his rabbi for advice before Yom Kippur to see how to gain forgiveness. The rabbi tells him to go home and sacrifice a feather pillow in his front yard on a breezy day and then return. Puzzled but pleased by the request (because it's not such a big sacrifice), the gossiper complies. When he gets back to the rabbi, the rabbi then tells him to go and collect up every feather. Only then will he be forgiven. The moral: it's a lot easier to do damage with negative talk than it is to repair it.
This thread is a great reminder of why posting too much information is not a good thing. I'm new to the forum but have already learned valuable information from searching older posts to the ones today. I'm saddened to see a regular poster, who's posts I enjoyed reading and learned from, have to curb herself and even close her account. At the same time, I understand why it had to be done. I've been afraid to even put a picture of my gymmies in my avatar. The only videos I've ever posted are on my facebook, which is private and just so family members can see their progress but family members know even less about gymnastics than I do and would never be able to answer any form/skill questions I may have. I would love to be able to post some things, especially if I have a question that experts on here would be able to help me with but now I'll be thinking twice about that. That said, I did join one of the groups, I didn't realize no one else could "see" in there, so I would be more inclined to post pics/videos there.
That said, I did join one of the groups, I didn't realize no one else could "see" in there, so I would be more inclined to post pics/videos there.

Check first. Not all of the groups are private, it depends on whoever set it up, during the process they get to choose to make the group private or open to all. The groups are not moderated by the admins, mods cannot go into private groups at all unless they are members, so if a group is private it runs the way the creator or group decides to run it. Not sure whether you can embed videos there, but you can certainly put a YT link in to a post. There is less functionality than the main boards, but as Maryn'smom says, the groups work really well.
Link Removed

Above is the link for existing groups, if you want to create one just click the button on the left of the page and it will guide you through.
I agree with TXmom about this thread being a good reminder of why posting too much information isn't always a good thing. I've been on here about a year, have found a wealth of information posted by other members and have enjoyed hearing about the progress that everyone's kids are making. I don't post a whole lot, but when I've posted questions I've always gotten helpful responses. I'm very conscious of everything I post online, whether it be here or even my private facebook page. You just never know who might see or read it.
I think that a private group to post video and pictures sounds like a great idea. My daughter and I sometimes watch gymnastics videos on youtube, not just links posted through here, and sometimes I wonder if people realize how much information they give out about their kids just by posting videos and their kids name.
I hope everything is ok with the regular poster who had to close her account.
It's a good reminder, and I can see how some posts would be a red flag to coaches, gym owners, team parents, etc. if a parent, gymnast, or coach was posting lots of bad things or misinformation about a program or particular individual with a significant amount of identifying information. I also think it's good to err on the side of caution for safety purposes, gymnastics is a small world.
I think it's silly to throw members out of a gym based on frustrations vented by parents, coaches and gym owners are human, it's natural for them to make mistakes or act in a way that causes some frustrations among parents. While it can be hurtful to realize someone is upset with your actions, it can also provide something to think about. If a gymnast of mine or her parents were posting on here and I figured it out, I would try to use their posts to help me as much as possible. Perhaps realize how my actions were being perceived by others and make necessary changes in the gym. Parents and gymnasts also post plenty of great things about gyms and coaches. I don't get a whole lot of feedback from parents and athletes, so I love having a place where parents and athletes voice their complaints, concerns, and things they really like as a means of self growth as a coach. I might not agree with anything, and some things might seem offensive, but such is the nature of any profession where you are providing a service to people and being payed for the quality of that service.
It would be a different story if people were posting outright lies that could greatly affect a coach or gym (false allegations of abuse, misuse of funds, etc., but I don't think that is often the case here).
Check first. Not all of the groups are private, it depends on whoever set it up, during the process they get to choose to make the group private or open to all. The groups are not moderated by the admins, mods cannot go into private groups at all unless they are members, so if a group is private it runs the way the creator or group decides to run it. Not sure whether you can embed videos there, but you can certainly put a YT link in to a post. There is less functionality than the main boards, but as Maryn'smom says, the groups work really well.

Thank you for letting me know, it does seem to be public and actually when I check the groups, a majority of them seem to be public. I would agree with the above posters that a private forum for videos/pics would be great for those of us that would like to post for help with questions about form/skills , or heck to even brag!
The private groups can be great. On a parenting forum years ago I made some friends in our due date club and we have since found each other on Facebook and we actually have our own private group on Facebook to discuss and share pictures, etc. Some of us still post on the parenting forum, other's don't, but we still have our friendship via Facebook.
Is it possible to have an anonymous question/rant function? You would still need to be a member (with X number of posts), but could post your question without it being linked to any of your other posts. Downside would be you could not clarify information after your initial post. Equally that could reduce flair ups because people can't respond when they don't hear the answer they wanted.
I think an anonymous question would be fine, but not rants or complaints. We really do not want to become the gym site where "guests" come to ***** about their clubs/coaches etc. That would just be awful.

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