I start level three next tuesday, and I did 10 front hips at the park, and I almost have my kip. I really want to ring the Skill Bell for them (you ring a bell then demonstrate your skills). I got grips and I don't know if I will still almost have my kip and have my front hip in grips. Any tips?
Are they dowel grips or palm guard grips?
If palm guard, it shouldn't cause to much trouble.
If you got dowel grips if could cause some issues.
But either way, I'd suggest doing some swings and trying some skills but maybe not wearing them the whole practice, just so you can slowly break them in!
That way you can still show your skills without them!
They're palm grips, and I have to wear them, or else I will rip and I slide off the bar (yes I use chalk and sometimes I just slip and not get rips). Do you have any tips on how to break them in? They're GK Elite palm grips. Also, do you have tips for kips? thanks