Predictions for Olympic team

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AmandaLynn, that's what I think too. If I were designing the team, I'd bring the best all-arounders I could find and leave the specialists behind. That's why I like gymnasts like Finnegan -- the girl rocks it hard on a couple of events, and her scores on the other events aren't exactly embarrassing. I like Price too, but Finnegan it seems has higher scoring potential if she hits.

I love Anna Li and I'd love to see her make the team but I don't think one event is going to be enough, even if it is bars where the USA is weak. Her other event that she competed at nationals, beam, is just not up to standard. She also hasn't really pulled off anything massively impressive with her bars in competition yet either, although she's capable. Maybe at trials?

I think Maroney could go either way. It would be a real shame to leave behind a gymnast capable of pulling a 16+, even if it is on vault where the USA is strong, but at the same time, Maroney can't really contribute any other scores, and that is dangerous. She is someone who could potentially bring home an Olympic gold medal on vault though, so that's got to be a consideration when building the team.

The USA is really spoiled for choice this year. Better than the alternative, I guess, but it is too bad that some really talented gymnasts will be left off the team no matter what.
I feel with a 5 person team, 3 per event, 4 all arounders is enough. Maroney is working on her floor and it is showing much improvement and her vault is clearly superior.
These predictions are very interesting! I love how everyone has different view points; makes things ore interesting. It gives people different things to consider. This seems like fun! Okay so here are mine.

(I feel like we need to consider stronger all around gymnast this time around instead of specialist due to the cut down to 5)


Alt: Finnigan, maroney/vega

Format for day one (4 most compete but lowest score is dropped):

1. Douglass (no brainer..very consistent event for her great amplitude)
2. Ross (also consistent great event)
3. Wieber (clean consistent)
4. Price (I'd say take the risk with Price. She has a 6.200 difficulty start value, and can possibly clean up a little in the next couple months. This score can be dropped)

1. Raiseman (so brainer, beautiful on floor...6.5 difficulty value.. capable of scoring 15.8 placed 1st at visa on floor)
2. Wieber (always clean an consistent came in 2nd at visa's..scored 15.250 both days at visa's)
3. Douglas ( not to artistic on floor but..Little powerhouse. Music definitely matches her energy..same difficulty of 6.1 as wieber...came in 3rd at visa' 1 scored 15.05 and day 15.3)
4. Price (take the risk with price scored 5th at visa's difficulty is also at 6.000 while ross's is 5.5..highest score on floor at visa's was 14.8..definitely room for improvement..but this score can be dropped)

1.) Raiseman (No Brainer..consistent event or her..high start value..scored first at visa's)
2.) Kyla Ross (comes in 4th at visa's..difficulty 6.1)
3.) Weiber (comes in 5th...needs some work on making connections..difficulty 6.2)
4.) Douglas ( take risk with her..If she is on her A game and does not let her high energy get the best of her she has very great scoring potential..although she fell on day two the rest of the beam routine looked a lot crisper then day one..she came in 7th at visa's ...also has one of the highest difficulty score at 6.4..score can be dropped)

Wieber: (no brainer with a 15.9 on vault not to far behind maroney's 16.1)
Price (6.5 start value..also has 15.8 day 2 she had 16.6 high vault scorer)
Douglas: ( 6.5 start value..gets a 15.8 day 2 and 15.350 day 2..needs some consistency but potential to score high)
Raiseman (take risk with...6.5..scores 1 and 15.3 day 2..has a little work to do ..score can be dropped)
I think Alicia has a better chance of getting a spot then Nastia...but I wouldn't be surprised if they brought her on as an assistant coach since she has been coaching with her dad at WOGA.
What about Priessman? Would they consider bringing the AA Junior National Champion?
I think Alicia isn't making the team in pretty much any scenario. Her strong points already have depth with our all-arounders. I think if Nastia performs better in trials she has a better chance than Nastia.
I agree gym law, deepest group of US gymnasts ever. Even deeper than in '04. If Martha screws this up and doesn't get the team gold OMG

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