Parents Preventing rips and callouses?

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Skye Fernandez

Proud Parent
Sep 15, 2016
My DD hasnt ripped yet but she has callous forming on her left hand. I read somewhere that callouses are what causes rips. Is there any truth to this? If so how to I prevent them? Or at least keep theme from getting bad. Right now I'm soaking her hands and scrubbing them with one of those pedi-egg things and putting lotion on her hands as soon as we get home from practice. This was suggested by the coach. Are there any other ideas? Tia
I think you're doing the right things. They will build up callouses -- it comes with the territory. But you want to keep them as soft and minimal as possible. It will ebb and flow as she learns new skills, etc., so just keep an eye on it. If necessary (during a flare up), she can tape the area for bars for an added layer of protection.
I once read on this site that the girls should keep their hands moistened with lotion. I try to put hand cream on DD every night and sometimes I put thin socks on her hands while she sleeps.
You are doing a great job so far. Building callouses is actually beneficial to them but yes when they get too large that's when rips happen. The pedi egg thing or a pumice stone is a great idea along with the lotion. We also are using Joshua Tree Gymnast Salve, both to prevent and heal rips, we try to use it once a week or so for prevention, or pretty much every day when there is a rip present. Best of luck!
Ok thank you. I'll just do what we've been doing :) you can't even see the callous. But I can feel it
Heck I can see my kid's, they are massive...mother of the year...I do nothing for them....when i did it seemed to actually cause rips for they are left alone.

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