I'm not a fan of 7yr olds doing a handspring vault over the table at all. Really surprised that's being considered honestly. I look at the little ones in Texas and just cringe at the thought of them having to block hard enough to make it over the entire length of the table, which is considerable when taking their size into account. Seems frankly dangerous, they need time to focus on contacting the board, flight and post flight stages without the worry of the table or a stuck landing. Also, they'd most likely have to start training it age 6 at highly competitive gyms that have pre teams prepping for L4. I look at my girls giving it all they've got to make a dent in the springs of a regulation springboard and shudder at the thought of prepping them for a full handspring vault. I think it's too much too soon. I could get behind a higher matstack possibly, but not over the table at that age.