Deleted member 18037
Actually, USAG has said that you CANNOT compete both States in JO and Xcel in the same season… you can compete them both in the same YEAR… for example, Because New York has "Early" States and States, a gymnast could compete Early States as a JO and States as Xcel (similar to Fall Season and Spring season), but they are in violation of USAG R&P if they compete in States for both JO and Xcel in the spring.
Early States is in the same season and calendar year as it is in Feb, not Dec (or before).
I can only speak to Region 6.
From their newletter,
Xcel Regional Championship Eligibility
In the spirit of good sportsmanship, fairness to all athletes and competitive balance an athlete is not eligible to participate in the Regional Championships they have competed in the JO state or Regional Championships in the same competitive year.
A gymnast could do both states (JO and Xcel), but they would not qualify for Regionals even if they scored a 40, if they did a JO State.
Again its a rule. So be it.
However I still wouldn't say that keeps a "competitive balance" given how differently Xcel is used.
But it will never be fair as in all athletes trained equal. But that is true for pretty all sports.