- Feb 21, 2011
- 38
- 3
Hi All,
Maybe I just need to come to terms with this and assurances that the right thing is being done here. Our daughter had an awesome competitive season last fall... up until State, when she developed a mental block and lost a (key) skill on the floor. She went on to win one event at state, and was in the top 3 for the other two events... scratching floor. She HAD been scoring very high on floor (her usual score would have won state), but could not compete without this skill. If she would have been able to compete floor, she would have taken State for sure.
Since then, she has worked very hard to regain this skill at practice... has suffered numerous set backs and has lost/regained other skills along the way. She seems to be doing MUCH better and seems to be on the right path again, according to coaches. She has been relieved/proud of the progress she's made but everybody is wondering why it has taken her so long to get back at it. We're not really sure what caused her to lose the skill in the first place.
For the summer the gym had a large amount of kids in the level below her, a smaller group in her level. I'm happy that they have kept her in her same level, because besides this floor skill, she's doing great on all her other skills according to a progress report. We were aware that they were splitting the kids up for the summer to make for easier groups to coach, but we thought that this split would occur during the same practice time. DD came home last night almost in tears and obviously very upset because she found out that all of the other kids in her level practice at a completely different time... and the other girl in her level who was practicing with her was asked by the coach when she would be going at the different time.
Long story short... DD just found out that she's the only girl in her level practicing with this lower level. And she was asked by other kids why she didn't practice with the other girls in her group.
I asked DD if they did the same skills as she was doing, and she THINKS that it's easier, though they are still doing SOME of the same skills from her level.
I know that DD needs help with this key floor skill, and it's a gateway to other floor skills that the other kids in her level are working. I do trust the gym, but it's hard to see DD so down after a few weeks of her being so proud of what she has achieved. They are charging us for this level, but don't know if she'll compete this higher level or the lower level because of this floor skill. I also don't want her to lose her other skills, and I don't know if they work those in this class because she'll be the only one from her level there.
The gym has always been honest with us in the past, and has told us that they don't know what they'll be doing with her, it will depend on her progress this summer. As her mom, though, I could see this being a terrible blow to her after she's been working so hard to regain this skill.
We're trying to schedule a meeting with her coaches to better clarify what's going on, if anything, I think DD needs to be told that she wasn't moved to this lower level because she's not good enough. According to her coaches, floor is the only issue she's having... and it's just this one skill.
I'm not sure if I should try to push to have her moved with her regular group or to tell her to be strong and re-prove herself. We were told that the ONLY reason they were regrouping the girls with the lower level was to even out the groups, but DD isn't believing this now that she's the only one from the higher level put with the lower leve.
Assurances/advice needed.
Maybe I just need to come to terms with this and assurances that the right thing is being done here. Our daughter had an awesome competitive season last fall... up until State, when she developed a mental block and lost a (key) skill on the floor. She went on to win one event at state, and was in the top 3 for the other two events... scratching floor. She HAD been scoring very high on floor (her usual score would have won state), but could not compete without this skill. If she would have been able to compete floor, she would have taken State for sure.
Since then, she has worked very hard to regain this skill at practice... has suffered numerous set backs and has lost/regained other skills along the way. She seems to be doing MUCH better and seems to be on the right path again, according to coaches. She has been relieved/proud of the progress she's made but everybody is wondering why it has taken her so long to get back at it. We're not really sure what caused her to lose the skill in the first place.
For the summer the gym had a large amount of kids in the level below her, a smaller group in her level. I'm happy that they have kept her in her same level, because besides this floor skill, she's doing great on all her other skills according to a progress report. We were aware that they were splitting the kids up for the summer to make for easier groups to coach, but we thought that this split would occur during the same practice time. DD came home last night almost in tears and obviously very upset because she found out that all of the other kids in her level practice at a completely different time... and the other girl in her level who was practicing with her was asked by the coach when she would be going at the different time.
Long story short... DD just found out that she's the only girl in her level practicing with this lower level. And she was asked by other kids why she didn't practice with the other girls in her group.
I asked DD if they did the same skills as she was doing, and she THINKS that it's easier, though they are still doing SOME of the same skills from her level.
I know that DD needs help with this key floor skill, and it's a gateway to other floor skills that the other kids in her level are working. I do trust the gym, but it's hard to see DD so down after a few weeks of her being so proud of what she has achieved. They are charging us for this level, but don't know if she'll compete this higher level or the lower level because of this floor skill. I also don't want her to lose her other skills, and I don't know if they work those in this class because she'll be the only one from her level there.
The gym has always been honest with us in the past, and has told us that they don't know what they'll be doing with her, it will depend on her progress this summer. As her mom, though, I could see this being a terrible blow to her after she's been working so hard to regain this skill.
We're trying to schedule a meeting with her coaches to better clarify what's going on, if anything, I think DD needs to be told that she wasn't moved to this lower level because she's not good enough. According to her coaches, floor is the only issue she's having... and it's just this one skill.
I'm not sure if I should try to push to have her moved with her regular group or to tell her to be strong and re-prove herself. We were told that the ONLY reason they were regrouping the girls with the lower level was to even out the groups, but DD isn't believing this now that she's the only one from the higher level put with the lower leve.
Assurances/advice needed.

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