We got our DD (gymnast) her first phone this past christmas at 12 yo.... she is going to practice 4 days a week during school, and sometimes g-ma "forgets" to pick her up from school in a timely fashion, and requires a phone call reminder. The deal was I have access to her phone at all times, I have a text monitor on her phone and if the texts on her phone don't add up to the texts on the bill, she's in trouble. I have access to all of her apps, and they are doubly installed on my phone, so when she gets an IM on instagram on her phone, I get it on mine, as I don't use instagram myself. Our decision was based on need, it just happened to coincide with her want. My 8yo son does not have a phone, doesn't need one, and probably won't get one until he reaches 12 either. By that time, phones will be the size of tic tacs and be able to pilot a helicopter across the world.