Question on Chalkbucket groups

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Hello everyone,

I kind of did not find where to place this best, so feel free to move the thread if there is a better place for it...

I had a look at the groups today. Actually I kind of only found out about them now...somehow I overlooked this feature before which is a pity.

So I was thinking if there was a way to make it more visible somehow? Maybe if possible a link could be placed on top of the board like for the Gallery, Links and Chat??

What does everyone think?
Do you go to the groups regularly?
Hello everyone,

I kind of did not find where to place this best, so feel free to move the thread if there is a better place for it...

I had a look at the groups today. Actually I kind of only found out about them now...somehow I overlooked this feature before which is a pity.

So I was thinking if there was a way to make it more visible somehow? Maybe if possible a link could be placed on top of the board like for the Gallery, Links and Chat??

What does everyone think?
Do you go to the groups regularly?

Yes, great idea...we are working on quite a few things right now to help improve overall communication on the site. The Chalk Bucket is very simple in theory, but quite complex to implement.
JBS I am really happy to hear that you think this is a good idea! :)
I am sure looking forward to the upcoming updates - but really this site is great already now!!!

I am trying to learn on webdesign myself in my free time so I kind of have an idea of what it takes to have a site like this one running. At times it is really tricky and always time consuming.....on the other hand though it always keeps being interesting and fun nevertheless. :)

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