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Apr 2, 2007
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Ok so I know that there was already a post like this but I still had to ask...

So when studying for tests, do any of yall only have to look over notes once and then take the test and get an awesomely good grade or do yall stay up for hours.

Like, when our algebra 2 final came up all i did was look at my notes once and i got an a+ and for german I didnt study at all and i still got an a!

My family thinks im weird but i cant study for very long or else i forget everything!

So what im trying to get at is that is there anyone else like this?

<3 Randa;)
I have a key-word type memory. One key word and I can remember everything related to it. Needless to say, I don't really study too hard.
It depends what subject it is for me. Spanish I have to study for about two weeks previously but in History I read over once and I can pass with percentages in the top 90s.

Maths is just a disaster for me though lol, no matter how hard I study I can never get the top grade (a 1), I always end up with a 2!
It depends what subject it is for me. Spanish I have to study for about two weeks previously but in History I read over once and I can pass with percentages in the top 90s.

Maths is just a disaster for me though lol, no matter how hard I study I can never get the top grade (a 1), I always end up with a 2!

Yeah, that happens for me in chemistry. I always end up with a b. Its interesting though.
i always study hard like the night before and then get A's....if i don't study i don;
't do as good...

and also am horrible at math, it's hopeless!
i don't really study except for my honors and AP classes, and then for like less than an hour. I always get distracted when i'm studying and end up doodling or think about something else. I am bad at tests anyways so i usually get Bs or Cs when i don't study and As or Bs when i do.
I generally study over a long period.

Sure, if you study the night before, you would remember some information; but not the details (generally).

If you study over a longer period and have a timetable to study to (after filling in your committments like gym and whatnot); and actually stick to it and reward yourself then more will get into long term memory!

A pure example is Legal Studies here in Australia. Its so packed with information, case law, legislation and whatnot, that it ain't possible to study the night before!

Hope this helps

<3 Simon
Most subjects I can just glance over my notes and I'm fine. I'm pretty good in Math and Science and I have a really good Social Studies teacher who I pay attention to and remember most of what he teaches us. I do pretty good in Spanish too but thats only cuz my grandparents speak Italian which is almost the same as Spanish.

But English is the subject I have to really work hard at. I find that studying stuff in little bits and pieces before a test (like a couple days) helps a lot. But then I go back and study everything again the nite before the test just so I make sure I remember it all. Studying it the second time after you kinda already know it is what records it in your brain. I never cram the day of the test tho cuz it just makes me nervous and confused, and my mom says if you don't have a nights sleep between when you study and when you have the test, you forget stuff much easier.
^^The night before my class took the official AP world exam, our teacher forbade us from studying. Her exact words,'You've been working now for a year and a half. We've been reviewing for the past two months. You're fine. And anything you don't know now, you won't be able to learn now, so go to bed early and RELAX!' It's so true though. I did well-just trusting myself. For me, the more I study, the more nervous I get.
^^The night before my class took the official AP world exam, our teacher forbade us from studying. Her exact words,'You've been working now for a year and a half. We've been reviewing for the past two months. You're fine. And anything you don't know now, you won't be able to learn now, so go to bed early and RELAX!' It's so true though. I did well-just trusting myself. For me, the more I study, the more nervous I get.

A year and a half? Wow. All of our AP classes are only a year. And we get even less time to cover the stuff then other states b/c NY schools go Sept to June instead of Aug to May like many other places. But lemme tell ya, once AP's are over the last month of class is great especially if the teachers don't make you come to class! :p
We have an intro to ap social studies class that we take freshman year. First semester introduces you to all the AP social studies classes(Econ, psych, gov, world). Second semester is called "ancient and classical cultures", where we start the first twelve chapters of AP world(instead of having a summer project)

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