I believe the poster means crazy just because it is set-up completely differently than most gyms. First, I don't know a single gym that puts more work and time into their Xcel girls than their JO girls. Now, if they are using Xcel instead of compulsories to get to optionals, that's another story. Second, I don't know of a single gym that moves the entire team together....it's typically very individualized. Third, I definitely don't know of a gym that has coaches move up levels with the gymnasts. So, it all sort-of sounds crazy to most of us I think. To be honest, it's not somewhere that I would have my DD, just because I think the system sounds a bit flawed, but if it is working for you, that's great! I hope your meeting goes well and you get the answers you need.
As far as working the higher level skills, if you DD doesn't have polish on the level 3 skills and doesn't solidly have the level 4 skills, I would think they won't spend a lot of time on back tucks, aerials, etc...