gymjourneymom, I want to straighten out your misconceptions with some facts on our situation before others get the wrong idea.
My DD does not train "27 hrs", the most she does is 12 hours a week. We live in a rural area and the drive to the gym takes 45 minutes., so even counting our drive time it totals 18. (There are 8 year olds at our gym that do train 24 to 28 hours a week though and that's not counting drive time.)
Then your comment on "she has already 'toughed it out' more then enough" makes no sense either because it was only like three days ago my DD told me she wants to quit.
As for your comment on "all the time you've already missed spending with her this past year", my DD has only been in this Pre-Elite program for three months.
Sorry teamgirl. I did not mean to offend you. After reading my post I had planned to edit it, but CB went down & I could not change what I put out there already. Guess in the future I should just go to bed instead of surfing the web in the wee small hours!!!
But reading it now in a more well rested state, I still stand by the gist of what I was trying to say. Not trying to attack you personally, so please don't take offense. I just don't get this whole "pre-elite" path for such young girls. I really would like to see some statistics of how many actually continue on the path & make it to elite.
So I give you a lot of credit for questioning the pre-elite program at your current gym. I think 24-28hrs of training is too much for an 8yr old & that is what your DD would be facing in 2yrs(as you stated above).
You state your DD just started 1st grade & had been home with you for the years prior that. So 1st grade it's self is a major change in her life. And she started this pre-elite training 3 months ago(during the summer I assume. When she wasn't under any other stress or pressure aside from gym). So now for the past month she has been trying to pull all of this together. And do it all well & be happy about it all. Man, that sounds more like the balancing act I have to pull off as an adult

This all seems like a lot of change & stress for a 6yr old. As others have posted & I agree, most gymnast who mention quitting, have already been thinking about before they ever mention it to anyone. Yes, she is "toughing out" a lot of stress right now between school & gym. So maybe she's been thinking about quitting for more then 3 days, who knows? Only her. And what she's been experiencing the past month probably feels like "forever" to her

. And it will be forever if something doesn't change. Gymnastics training is never ending!!!
When I hear of all of these hours young kids are practicing inside a gym day in & day out it does make me sad. To me childhood should be a time of curiousity & exploration of the world around them. She will never be 6yrs old again, enjoy every minute with her you can. She will have to juggle school & gym later. Why does it have to start so young?
Thank you for clearing up my miss statement about the amount of hours your DD has been training. Don't know where I came up with 27? But I have to say even your corrected amount of 12hrs stills sounds like too much for a 6yr old to me. JMHO.
Doing a lot of hours at such a young age steals away their joy of the sport, it turns it into a job for them. My DD has had her share of up's & down's in this sport, but she has NEVER once said she wanted to quit. I truly believe it is because our gym's owner specifically doesn't train them a lot of hours, to help lessen the effects of burn out & physical wear & tear on the body. Of couse we do still lose a lot of girls. Gymnastics is a demanding sport even without being on an elite path. My DD is 15yrs old, she been in the sport 10yrs & she still LOVES it. Now THAT is something I'm VERY proud of

I think being good at something that you ENJOY is a fine option. If you are good at something & you ENJOY it, chance are you will stick with it for the long haul. And you will WANT to continue to polish & perfect it. Why doesn't that seem good enough anymore? Why do we push young kids to be "the best" younger & younger. And I'm not talking about you specifically with that statement teamgirl, I'm just pondering out loud. More of social question about the pressure we put on kids now a days. I know we all love our kids or we wouldn't be posting to web sites about them. So I'm not trying to pick on anyone. I just really worry about some of these little ones

. I worry about how all this pressure starting at such young ages will effect them later in life? Our world is so pressure stress filled already and we are passing this pressure on to our littlest ones

! I find that extremely disheartening

Well, I'd better shut up now...I'm sure I've dug myself an even deeper hole

. Teamgirl- I wish you wisdom & a lot of luck as you navigate the right path for your DD! And I wish for her to find JOY in the sport whatever path she takes
