Ok, I'm game....
...I lived in Switzerland for 8 months when I was six years old, went to Kindergarten there & spoke French fluently, now I can't remember a word of it
...I went there again for 3 months when I was eight years old, spoke Swiss German that time, & now I can't remember IT, either!
...I hate Watermelon (gives me a headache & makes me puke!) but like watermelon-flavored candy
...almost became a Linguistics major in College, but became a Nurse instead
...married my hubby when I was 20, and we are still together after almost 23 years (got lots of help there, no easy task!)
...traveled on a riverboat down the Amazon in Peru in 2001, on a medical mission, for one week (don't know how I survived, I hate bugs and they were
monstrous there!)
...I love breakfast food--eggs & anything that requires maple syrup
...I HATE getting up early (which makes the whole breakfast food thing not make much sense!)