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Would restricting PM ability and the ability to PM youth accounts on this site be a good start?

I believe it is.

I also think a gymnast-only group is a good idea, though there needs to be moderation. If the wrong kind of adult claims to be a kid just to get in there, the right kind of adult may be able to tell.

A group like that may reduce the adult/kid interactions that make people uncomfortable.
I am OK with allowing younger members. You can usually tell by how they write as to how old/mature they are and our answers can be adjusted accordingly. I would much rather they have a place where they can ask these questions than bottle them up and never voice them to an adult who can encourage them to seek the proper guidance.

A lot of kids simply do not have anyone to talk to. Blame covid and overworked parents. Blame overdramatic teens and active glands. Blame society, home schooling, cultural fracturing.

Growing up, I had access to dozens of adults to bounce stuff off of. My kids don’t have that luxury. In the context of human evolution and history, this stark segregation is weird.

I know this seems to contradict my previous post, but I understand the opposing viewpoint as well, and I understand the position this all puts the mods in. So, it’s fine either way. There’s no one right answer, there’s only the answer that’s chosen.
It's the OP here. I was away for a few hours and this thread took off. Thanks to everyone, especially the mods and @JBS, for the thoughtful dialogue and consideration of feedback (well, mostly thoughtful...there's always one in the bunch). I debated whether I should send a DM to @JBS or just post with my member name in the parent page but I decided on the anon feature because I was truly curious how others felt and thought others may be more inclined to post anon.

I was truly disappointed with the 'thot' comment/picture and did not understand how it was approved. Are all anon posts previewed first? Anyways, it never occurred to me that people don't know the meaning of 'thot'! Yes, seriously! I'm old but rap is my favorite music so I often know some of the current slang. It was this thread that pushed me to organize all my recent thoughts on this site recently and ask myself: do I really belong here / does this group still represent my values? I think it's healthy to ask these questions from time to time.

It was helpful to see all of the opinions. I don't agree with them all but there is logic and thoughtfulness combined with a sincere desire to do right by the kids.
I was truly disappointed with the 'thot' comment/picture and did not understand how it was approved. Are all anon posts previewed first? Anyways, it never occurred to me that people don't know the meaning of 'thot'! Yes, seriously! I'm old but rap is my favorite music so I often know some of the current slang. It was this thread that pushed me to organize all my recent thoughts on this site recently and ask myself: do I really belong here / does this group still represent my values? I think it's healthy to ask these questions from time to time.

This was bad on our part... and I'm Metallica and Zach Bryan... so I don't get much of that term. Love rap too... I'm just more of a 90's rap person.

I have to say that I only really read the starter post for the anonymous threads when approving them. Once the conversation is going regularly... I just approve them as I don't always have time to read them when I am approving from my phone / on the road.
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I do think restricting PM's for minors is a good move.

While I think creating a "teens only" area is well-intentioned, I think its a bad idea. Having a teens only section just makes a predators job easier if one is concerned about that. It also is a bit too paternalistic in my opinion. While there have been a few posts of youth origin, I dont feel they have flooded the board or made things intolerable. Some have actually been good and valid questions/discussions. Like the Livvy Dunne post.

My opinion, if one is that offended by the urban term thot, then one really has to question their broader interaction on the internet, maybe society in general. I have heard politicians use more direct and harsher terms, there are worse and more offensive on prime time sitcoms. Heck I was just watching a friends episode the other day and was surprised and how suggestive the show was back then. If JBS and monitors start censoring because someone uses a term like that in a non-specific manner (in other words not specifically calling someone a derogatory term) then it has become a nanny-state. Do I want threads filled with vulgarities? No, but that is where a mod steps in, points out the issue, and moves discussion back on task. I appreciate that occasionally on a message board there can be frank and uncomfortable disussions. I think it makes it a better an more impactful message board if there is the ability to facilitate those types of discussions rather than shutting things down at the first sight of something uncomfortable.

I also think its important to point out that boards have a collective personality, like an individual, that evolves over time, also like a person. Topics will self-censor in a way, people will post in topics that interest them, others will die on the vine because the collective board doesnt find interest/value in it. My point being is that some of these concerns will address themselves without heavy handed involvement or changes. Thanks again!
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I also think creating a teen only area is not a good idea unless it was heavily monitored and all posts are read thoroughly by an admin before actually being posted. I've read some posts with teens giving other teens unsafe or incorrect advice.
While I think creating a "teens only" area is well-intentioned, I think its a bad idea. Having a teens only section just makes a predators job easier if one is concerned about that.
OP here again. I agree with these thoughts 100% for the reasons you stated. Plus, telling a teen they gotta stay in their lane so to speak, well, just doesn't work.

My opinion, if one is that offended by the urban term thot, then one really has to question their broader interaction on the internet, maybe society in general. I have heard politicians use more direct and harsher terms, there are worse and more offensive on prime time sitcoms. Heck I was just watching a friends episode the other day and was surprised and how suggestive the show was back then.

LOL. I assure you I'm no prude. IRL I am a potty mouth and can give anyone a run for their money on who uses the most f-bombs throughout the day. The difference is context and decorum. I'll do context first. My interpretation of that posting was that of a well-known athlete was being called a thot. A photo that looked professional appeared to be cropped to fit the narrative of whoever posted it along with a side comment of 'whatever that is' (or something to that nature). It was demeaning. Compare that to photos posted on another thread showing a male body builder and two gymnasts. I realize it was a different topic, but the poster took great care to explain their reasoning and show pictures that were not demeaning yet proved their point. That is what I mean by context. (Which BTW, I still haven't seen anyone provide a thoughtful defense of the 'thot' post other than I need to get thicker skin or come out from under a rock.) Which brings me to decorum...

I also think its important to point out that boards have a collective personality, like an individual, that evolves over time, also like a person. Topics will self-censor in a way, people will post in topics that interest them, others will die on the vine because the collective board doesnt find interest/value in it.

I totally agree on the collective personality and evolution points. Also, this board has always been pretty good on self-sensoring, largely because of some overarching ground rules on safe/acceptable content. So when some recent posts have gone against some of that 'collective personality', I wonder if it's just me or if others feel the same way. I've been here over 10 years and have seen a lot of 'evolution' both on this site and IRL and it's OK to question if your groups/extracurriculars/associations still align with your values.
Agreed on restricting PMs for under 18 accounts. I also agree with a poster above not to create a teen-only forum. Kind of like creating a predator smorgasbord unless it's moderated to an extent that I wouldn't expect from volunteer moderators.

My two cents as a long-time moderator of some large FB parenting groups that have evolved over the years? It's a hard, hard, thankless job. One constant has been that it's hard to adjust to teenagers and young adults growing up and joining the group, particularly when the groups started as parents only. Parents get used to talking among ourselves and don't know how to react when the object of their discussion is there. I don't think there's a way to logically cut off gymnasts from this particular forum, whether at 13, 16, or 18 years old. I also think 13 works in alignment with COPPA.

Also, and maybe it's my moderator background, but I feel like the moderators do a pretty darn good job around here of keeping engagement up but not letting it turn into a free for all. People also have to expect that weekends, especially in the height of meet season, will be more lightly moderated and maybe give mods a little more time to react.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness there, but IMO this is a pretty tame forum, even with the kids, and while mods can always do better and come up with better processes to address some of the threads mentioned here (like the medical advice questions), I don't think there's a lot to complain about.
I remembered to uncheck the box! I posted upthread a while ago (but forgot to uncheck) to agree that yes, the board has taken a different turn over the past two years, but I hope in no way that it came across as a moderator problem. I think all of you mods do a great job keeping things moving and halting things that take a bad turn. To me the issue is that there are so many more things discussed that veer away from "gymnastics proper" and maybe this is just a sign of the times. I got most of my gymnastics info here early on, and from people that I still look forward to hearing from (@lovofu, @bookworm). From my perspective, I feel like the topics have become much broader than learning about skills, progression, how not to be a crazy gym mom, setting realistic goals, and just learning the ins and outs of the sport to best support your kid.
So, I guess I just came here to say that I think the tone is different, but it's due to the posters, not the mods or the set up of the site.
From my perspective, I feel like the topics have become much broader than learning about skills, progression, how not to be a crazy gym mom, setting realistic goals, and just learning the ins and outs of the sport to best support your kid.
So, I guess I just came here to say that I think the tone is different, but it's due to the posters, not the mods or the set up of the site.
Idk, is this more a perception is reality thing? Looking at the most recent posts list (other than this one):
  • College schedule improvements
  • Age/Level and path to get there
  • Is College gymnastics possible
  • L8 to Excel platinum
  • Social Media account
  • Tiger paws and wrist pain
  • Winter cup/Nastia Cup
  • Judge scoring help
  • Front leg lower than back leg
  • Coach and parent question
These all seem relative about skills, progression, in and outs of sport, etc? Maybe the social media post? But even that seems relevant given the insta-gym account proliferation in gymnastics. I guess I dont see it, but I respect if you feel that way.
I've been around for a reasonably long time- 2015, I think, and I do see some changes and miss some of the posters with a long and deep knowledge of the sport who have since moved on because their kids have graduated/retired from gymnastics. Overall, though, I don't see a massive change to the tenor of the posts. There will always be newcomers who ask some of the same questions that have been asked many times before- I'd actually like to see old threads with valuable info allowed to resurface and not shut down because they are old. Some of that wisdom and information doesn't change even if the original post is 3-5 years old. Every forum, website, or magazine that lasts will go through permutations and relaunches that long-time fans will often dislike or resist, but I think it's just the nature of any communication venue.
Users that are under 18 can no longer use PM's (private messages) on ChalkBucket.

They can still use PM's to contact staff if needed.

The "Gym Parent Forum" has also been restricted from this age group. They can still read... just not post / reply. All other areas of the forum are still as normal for minors.
Users that are under 18 can no longer use PM's (private messages) on ChalkBucket.

They can still use PM's to contact staff if needed.

The "Gym Parent Forum" has also been restricted from this age group. They can still read... just not post / reply. All other areas of the forum are still as normal for minors.
Are minors permitted to PM other minors?

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