real grips that are blue?

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ok, i finnaly tore through my old grips from when i competed gymnastics (15 years ago!). i am doing my giants and simple release moves, so i need a real pair of grips. i bought a u.s. glove pair two months ago - and they are not working. they are not the quality i am looking for. let me explain - i bought them because they are white. Red is not my color, and i refuse to buy a red pair. i would love a pair that is blue.
what brand do you recommend and is there a model number to make sure i get the corret pair.
can't wait to feel confident on bars again.
also calling all old gymnast in the detroit area. we want to get an aau team going.
yes, blue staps. i think that is the original pair that i had but it was so long ago i don't remember.
as flpflp7 said--Ten-O has blue straps--those are the ones I used and I liked them.
English Bulldog Grips are also blue, and we sell them on our website. English Bulldog grips are a great quality. You can PM me if you have any additional questions.
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Yes, ten-0 has a blue strap with the brand name written in white. They were the 1st pair of grips my daughter got (with dowels) when she was learning giants. 10 mos later they are still in pretty good shape. I did just get her another pair of ten-0s that are softer and have a faster break in for her competitive season. They also have a blue insert you can attach at the wrist to cut down on the grips rubbing there. Since these grips work for her and she says they are comfortable, I'm not going to change brands right now(always appreciate Audra's updates on other brands:)).

She was doing giants and flyaways on the 2nd day she had these new softer grips--just needs to stretch them out a little. I just hope they do hold up as long as her 1st pair!
Regarding the ten-o grips: That's the type I've always used, HOWEVER I really can't say I'd reccomend using the foam inserts that come with them; I think regular wristbands are much more comfortable and effective.
English Bulldog make great blue grips.

US Glove also makes great grips...the best US Glove grips are red, however. could just wear buckle grips and not worry about the color of the band.:thumbsup:
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GT---she wears the wristbands plus the foam inserts. Of course, I wanted her to try them without the foam inserts 1st, but little miss stubborn took them to the gym, put the inserts in and just started swinging. At least for now--so far, so good!
buckles on grips?

do share, who has buckles on their grips and what do you think of them? when i did a search for grips, i saw the buckles and i thought that only boys used grips with buckles. i saw one pair that had the velcro stap and a buckle, but it is a new concept to me.
thank you for all the info thus far. at my gym, more coaches have their kips than students. so i don't see all the new stuff!

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