Parents Repeating L7/Struggling with Skills

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Proud Parent
Dec 5, 2013
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HI all-- Want some success stories about kids who struggled with L7 (or other optionals) and repeated and found their DD seems so far off-- an injury sidelined her for months and now she is doing bare minimum on skills and her scores show that. Her coaches say they are not going to push her on the skills until the season is over (soon thankfully) to take off the pressure. She wants to keep going for it, but it is hard watching her struggle so much. Not looking for top of the podium or even all 9s but want her to be progressing in a way that keeps her confidence. So, thought maybe some others had similar issues and want to share positive outcomes so I don't keep wanting to just pull her out :)! thanks
One of Kipper's team mates struggled mightily her first year of L7. Did not make regionals. Repeated L7 and spent lots of time on the podium. Finished 2nd or 3rd at regionals, and then...proceeded to skip L8 and is doing really well at L9. There are 6 L7 repeaters this year. Actual scores and meet success is varied between them, but all have a solid grasp on their skills on this point and regularly score 36+ AA. I don't think any of them are as likely to test out of L8, but I can see each of them getting to L8 this summer. Growth spurts, fear, many things can impact each year. And L7 is just really hard.
We have several girls who are repeating L7 on DDs team and they are amazing. AA scores a good 2 -3 points higher than they were last year and all will likely move to 8 next year. Biggest improvements are in beam and bars scores. They also are doing a lot of upgrades in their floors and frequently score over 9.5 on vault.
My daughter has repeated every level except for level 6. She started at old level 4. She's had minor injuries and many setbacks due to those injuries as well as due to fears, growth spurts, etc. She has many teammates who have flown through the levels, but she's been slow and steady, always scored 36s by end of her time in each level (she's a level 8 now, her 2nd year of level 8 and she might be a level 8 again next year, who knows?). Not exactly like your daughter, but just wanted to share that there is nothing wrong with repeating levels. If she's working hard, progressing (no matter how slow) and still wants to keep trying, I say let her! Sometimes the struggles are what makes a gymnast, not all kids can keep going after struggles. It's a good life skill.
I would like to point out that it's not really "repeating" when it comes to Optional levels. It's very common to do L7-10 multiple years... The ideal at our gym seems to be to add in "upgrades" whenever possible for the second or third year competing the same level, so that someone who struggles with L9 bars and is doing L8 for the third time has a L9 passable floor routine, for instance.
I wouldn't worry in the least about doing L7-10 more than once.
Thanks all-- She is not really doing all the L7 skills and I think the coaches are letting her compete without them only because of the injury. I am just hopeful she can get those skills back relatively quickly--they have not been working on them with her at all since the season is ongoing and they don't want to pressure her. She had all the skills pre-injury and is now just not doing them. Just frustrating to watch.
It sounds me they have good intentions. Hopefully when season is done, they will start working things with her again. If she wants to keep trying, just keep venting here and supporting her! I know how hard it is to watch a kid struggle with something and want them to just be done with it sometimes. Hang in there. Season is almost over!
Thanks all-- She is not really doing all the L7 skills and I think the coaches are letting her compete without them only because of the injury. I am just hopeful she can get those skills back relatively quickly--they have not been working on them with her at all since the season is ongoing and they don't want to pressure her. She had all the skills pre-injury and is now just not doing them. Just frustrating to watch.

My dd did something similar. She never got her level 6 handstand on bars because she broke her hand and was off bars for 10 weeks before level 6 started. She just competed level 6 without a handstand and it seemed like they didn't even try teaching it to her. Second day of practice after level 6 ended and she had a full handstand without spot. They just weren't really working her to do it during competition season. Hopefully the same thing happens with your dd.
Optionals are different. It's pretty common at levels 7 and up for gymnasts to repeat. There is a much wider variety of skills for them to master, and a gymnast can still make progress in the sport even when repeating an optional level. This year she may struggle with 7 but next year she may shine.

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