Are some of you saying that a neck injury that needed time out was not necessary to let the parents know?, regardless if I had taken dd to the emergency room today or Friday my concern would be the same regarding communication, I wasn't worried on Friday as I put it down to soreness caused by the fall the night before, now it has been 4 days and pain is still the same then is is time to look at it further so that is what I am doing .
Maybe next time dd has an accident then I don't need to know unless it is a break or something severe like that.
I think if coach thought it was serious, coach would have come out. I know that D has had injuries that don't hurt at gym, but hurt later. I expect him to tell me. In fact, our coach very rarely makes it out into the lobby because one practice is 4-5, one is 4-6, one is 5-7 and the other is 6-9. There are 2 coaches overlapping, but it woudl be hard for him to leave boys unattended while he comes to talk to me. D actually kneed himself in the nose/eye, giving himself a bloody nose and having to sit the rest of practice with ice. I did not hear from the coach. I heard from D. D reported and told me what happened.
If it is bothering you this much, then go talk to the coach about it. my guess is that the coach thought everything was fine. YOur dd kept working out, and seemed ok. She fell into a soft pit. Very few injuries occur that way. So since she went back to "working out" as you say, then the coach, honestly, probably forgot about it since she had so much else go on after the fall. If your dd had been unable to practice after that at all, then we have a different story.
As for reporting injuries on a form, someone mentioned every injury has to have a form. As many times as my son has hit feet on the bar, landed on his back off pommel, bruised various parts of his body falling on ps, pommel, or landed funny doing floor, that is all the coach woudl be doing. I think if it is an injury that requires more extensive medical treatment then that is one thing. But if a kid ices for a few minutes and goes back to practicing just fine (as the coach sees), then no report should be needed.