- May 19, 2023
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Is there a decent video set to learn trampoline?
I have found lots of vids on youtube, but I find that:
* It's not clear what skills you need to master before trying this one.
* Some have progressions, but many do not.
* Few show you examples of bad form, and how to correct it.
* Few show the actions in slow motion as well as normal speed.
There is interesting liability concerns with this. Can you get sued for improper instruction? Probablly, especially in America. I think such a program should be shot in a country where trampolines are used in school, and then web hosted in a country where it is difficult to sue.
Nonetheless: such a series would be enormously valuable:
Right now in the U.S. there are about 100,000 ER visits related to trampolines per year, mostly preventable, with a combination of reasonable safety rules that parents enforce, and proper instruction.
Instruction is *really* hard to find. In my city of 600,000 there are two gym centres that instruct, and at both of those the instruction is part of a general adult gymnastics course.
Such a video course should actually be two courses: One is a series of short vids for participants. Each vid is structured like this:
* A demo of the trick.
* A slow motion demo of the trick
* A demo of each step in the progression.
* A slomo demo of each step in the progression.
* A demo of incorrect form of each step of the progression.
* A slomo demo of incorrect form.
To create such a series, if I were a coach, I'd want to work with one pretty skillful jumper, and several beginners. Of the beginners, one should be someone who picks up new skills quickly. One should be a "motor moron" -- someone who does not pick up new skills quickly.
The skillful jumper is used for illustrations of how to do it right.
The beginners are use to both show mistakes, and to show teaching techniques.
This does not require expensive equipment. Even as far back as the iPhone 6S, you could shoot high def video at 240 frames per second. There are cute brackets that allow you to attach a phone to a tripod. There are also headbands that allow you to use a phone like a go-pro, to show what a trick looks like from the jumper's perspective.
Participants could actually use their own phones. But lots of households have older phones kicking around.
The second course that could be cut from the same starting footage is one in instruction -- how to teach trampoline.
I have found lots of vids on youtube, but I find that:
* It's not clear what skills you need to master before trying this one.
* Some have progressions, but many do not.
* Few show you examples of bad form, and how to correct it.
* Few show the actions in slow motion as well as normal speed.
There is interesting liability concerns with this. Can you get sued for improper instruction? Probablly, especially in America. I think such a program should be shot in a country where trampolines are used in school, and then web hosted in a country where it is difficult to sue.
Nonetheless: such a series would be enormously valuable:
Right now in the U.S. there are about 100,000 ER visits related to trampolines per year, mostly preventable, with a combination of reasonable safety rules that parents enforce, and proper instruction.
Instruction is *really* hard to find. In my city of 600,000 there are two gym centres that instruct, and at both of those the instruction is part of a general adult gymnastics course.
Such a video course should actually be two courses: One is a series of short vids for participants. Each vid is structured like this:
* A demo of the trick.
* A slow motion demo of the trick
* A demo of each step in the progression.
* A slomo demo of each step in the progression.
* A demo of incorrect form of each step of the progression.
* A slomo demo of incorrect form.
To create such a series, if I were a coach, I'd want to work with one pretty skillful jumper, and several beginners. Of the beginners, one should be someone who picks up new skills quickly. One should be a "motor moron" -- someone who does not pick up new skills quickly.
The skillful jumper is used for illustrations of how to do it right.
The beginners are use to both show mistakes, and to show teaching techniques.
This does not require expensive equipment. Even as far back as the iPhone 6S, you could shoot high def video at 240 frames per second. There are cute brackets that allow you to attach a phone to a tripod. There are also headbands that allow you to use a phone like a go-pro, to show what a trick looks like from the jumper's perspective.
Participants could actually use their own phones. But lots of households have older phones kicking around.
The second course that could be cut from the same starting footage is one in instruction -- how to teach trampoline.