Arguing the other side, what is the purpose of having the 5th best USA all-arounder on the team? Only 4 compete on each in qualifications, and 3 on each in team finals, so Marta will try to find the perfect balance that gets the closest to bringing the 3 best performers on each event. The US is so flush with all-arounders that are good on every event, that I think it will come down to the best 4 all-arounders and a bar specialist making the team. There really is no purpose in bringing the 5th all-arounder(though they do make an ideal traveling alternate because they can fill in on any event). And when you have 4 good all-arounders, you also essentially already have a built in alternate since you only have to put up 3 on each event in team finals. Then a specialist spot can go to whatever is our all-arounders overall weakest event, which is bars.
My thinking is it's looking like this:
Nichols, Smith or Raismann
Kocian or Locklear
Alternates: whoever is left between Nichols/Smith/Raismann
Anyone else hear that Hernandez finished 2nd AA in camp verification?