We have 2 separate areas for rec and team, so the only thing that we have to share for rec and team is our tumble tracks and pit.
Each week a schedule gets printed out for rec classes on each day and what events each classes go to (ex. preschool starts on floor, then move to beam, irec class 1 starts on vaults then moves to floor, etc.).
On the other hand, our team schedule is a work in progress...
I think our main problem is lack of coaches not being able to have team girls working on all events safely, but somethings are too easy to work out, that should not be an issue in the first place (team group 1 splits on 3 events (ex, bars, beam, floor), team group 2 practices starts and needs the floor to warm up, so they get stuck on the rec floor to warm up, while other rec classes are trying their best to run their classes with all of the distractions going on)