Anon Round off Tuck- STG

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*I believe I have posted this before, but it isn't showing up for me.
My 13-year-old daughter goes to a gym once a week. Her first class was last week. Before this, she was self-taught for about a year and a half. Her goal is to be a competitive gymnast, and maybe do some college gymnastics. Her highest skill that she taught herself is a standing back tuck (when she went to her first class last week, the only issues they said with her tumbling was that she needed to point her feet more and squeeze). Now, she's trying to get a round-off back tuck, but she says that she "just can't find her knees" when she's in the air. I'm telling her to just wait until her next class, but she says that she's grateful that she's now able to go to classes, but once a week isn't enough to improve. I don't have the energy, nor the time to take her more than once. So here are my questions:
1. What can she do to get her round-off tuck?
2. Should she wait until her next class or continue practicing on her own?
3. Is she right about once a week isn't enough?
If she wants to consider college gymnastics, nope!

I believe once a week is not enough for kids to build up muscle memory - twice a week at least
You can never say that something is impossible but coming into gymnastics at 13 does make the college path incredibly unlikely. Competing is however quite likely if she is in the right gym although a may just be XCEL. Her best bet is to wait for the next class. As a coach, I never recommend trying to teach yourself things or work on things when you don’t know exactly what you are doing. YouTube is not a substitute for a trained coach. I myself came into the sport quite late and had taught myself lots of things that I had to unlearn and relearn properly. If she is interested in competition then you should ask the owner of the gym what she would need to be considered for their team program. I can guarantee that the round off tuck isn’t the most pressing issue that keeps her from her goals. Bars is a terrible beast.

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