How do you mean?
Competitions vary- I've been to comps where everyone does the same routines exactly- usually floor and vault or beginner comps where the floor routine is 10 moves down a mat strip. I've been to comps where they all do the same required skills, but can put it in their own routine- so as long as the beam routine has cat leap, forward roll and arabesque in, for example, the "dance" and order is up to the individual. Grades, for example.
There are comps where the routines are "voluntary", like regional levels, where gymnasts can choose their moves from a list or rule requirements and set them in their own routines.
In addition to all that some clubs will give gymnasts identical routines, especially young or low level ones. It means it's easy to teach, they can all learn together, they will remember by watching each other...Individually choreographed routines take quite a lot of 1:1, and if the gymnast forgets it you have to start again!