Parents Rumors and Gossip

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Not's just extremely cliquey. Some of the level sevens and one or two of the sixes only talk to each other pretty much. I wish we could be more of a complete team.
Rumors require a certain degree of communication and thats something our gym has problems with, so I would say rumors are minimal. There may be gossip going on, but most of the parents aren't around all that much to start it or follow up on it. If there is any gossip that gets going its from a couple of moms that work part-time at the front desk. They have a little trouble learning when to stop talking about things they hear in the gym.

We also seem to have the "clique" thing going. I thought when my daughter moved from pre-team to Level 5,(we don't have Level 4) people might actually say hello. Parents on the team talk with each other, but there is a major division between the compulsory and optional parents. Funny how fast they forget their daughters were Level 5/6s only a couple of years ago.
The parents are best buds w/everyone, it's the girls who are kinda snobby.
That's too bad that the girls don't get along. I know you can't make everyone like everyone else, but it makes it extra tough in this sport when the kids don't talk with each other.

One positive I will say for our gym is that the coaches will not tolerate "cliques." It is team 1st and individual accomplishments 2nd. The girls encourage each other not only at meets, but also during practice. Right now they are all working on optional level skills and some are downright scary, but they are really pulling together and helping each other work through them. I know the girls will try a skill that is "scary" when they know their teammates are rooting them on.
I know. My level six team is so supportive, of each other and the other girls in the gym.

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