WAG Scariest/ embarrassing moment during a meet

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Jun 6, 2013
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This was in another forum but I thought it would be cool to see if anyone's had changed sense that one. So what is it? Mine was probably crying in front of everyone after I fell on my turn at state. It took 5 people to calm me down and everyone just stared I was mortified. Funniest, was when my coach bet me a bag of hersys kisses so I would smile in my floor routine and I did, by it wasn't just a smile it was a full blown laughing during my routine smile.
Scarriest - we got lost on the way to a meet... my brother forgot to charge the gps, so we were going by paper directions... he missed a turn while i was texting coach to tell her we were on the way... missed general stretch ... get there and OG realized she had nail polish on her toes... she removes the polish, stretches and joins the team at floor warm up. During warm ups, she didn't want to wait for coach to get on the floor and she did her RO BHS BT... fell on her head/neck. Luckily, she was physically ok - no concussion, no neck injury, nothing broken.
Funniest- after a really good beam routine, before they even flash her score, OG started crying... We couldn't figure out why... then they flashed an 8.1... figured it was her score. When she got over to floor (we were sitting 4 feet from the corner of the floor), I asked if she was ok and told her that she had one of the highest beam scores of the rotation... she said "I'm NOT mad about the score! That score was great!! I'm mad because my start value was only a 9.0!" She didn't get credit for her jumps or her acro- too slow, but she only had 0.9 in deductions!!!!! That was awesome!
Scariest moment -- jeez I don't have a lot! Warning up vault once but completely sliding all the way over on my stomach and onto my landing mat was scary! Still have the scar! I haven't had too many scary meets, fall wise. I've had some scary scores! I got a 2.9 my first meet on bars for high school (based off L9 rules). At HS states I thought I got a 6.6 on floor when my lowest that season had been a 7.15 and that was scary and upsetting but I ended up with an 8.25, a record high!

Funniest moment-- also for high school, I was at a meet and my second pass is front tuck forward roll cartwheel. But I don't go diagonally, I just go straight across. Well I had to do a handstand because the cartwheel wouldn't fit. We were in a small gym, and I felt myself tipping over in the handstand. If I were to just come over, I would've landed on the vault landing mat and I was afraid someone was vaulting. So I'm yelling in a handstand and then I don't know how I fell but I did something. Then I finished my routine with the entire gym, judges, and myself laughing. I got to my coach and she was crying. The next meet I had, the judge asked, "now which one of you yelled last meet"? Embarrassing but hilarious!!

Also doing a half on (after learning it the day before), onto the vault. So instead of putting my feet over, I piked and put them on the table. Then I stood up on the table and saluted!
Scariest moment- falling on my neck in warm ups (I was fine, but it sure gave my coach a scare) on a very new tumbling pass. I made it in competition, but I was a nervous wreck before hand.
Embarrassed- I have quite a few, including, but not limited to, super manning over the vault, tripping over a dismount mat after my routine, falling off beam them falling trying to get back up, a tampon string sticking out of my Leo during my floor routine, saluting facing away from the judge because I forgot where he was and tripping on the springboard by just stepping up to it before my bar routine.
My most embarrassing moment is probably crashing out in my second skill of the routine - it wasn't even hard, it was a straddle jump! And then crying like a child after I got off, and I'm an ugly crier! One of my coaches has this thing (that I kinda disagree with...) where if a child cries at a competition she has them to press ups at the next training session. Luckily that does only seem to apply to actual children, and not adults who just act like them!

Scariest moment for me is probably actually not when I was competing but when a friend/coach I know was competing and asked me to spot for him at the side of the tramp. He then flew off the trampoline, and over the end frame. There were no mats where he would have landed but I got round and shoved him onto the giant beyond the end deck, while narrowly avoiding getting hit by his flailing limbs. Did I mention that this guy weighs more than twice what I do?!
My first real meet I forgot all of my floor choreography, and did split leaps & switch spilts to the corners for tumbling. Shortest floor routine ever.

I also had never vaulted before on the real vault since my gym didn't have one, so we practice on the pommel horse. For whatever reason, I thought you were supposed to put your hand on the red lip of the table! I popped super hard... smashed my back on the table & bellyflopped on to the mat. Good thing it was warmup :)

A recent terrifying moment was when I was at a meet with Gymnova bars that had different sliders, which none of the coaches in my session were very familiar with. Whomever adjusted the bars didn't lock the sliders correctly, and right as I caught the high bar, they fell!
I don't know about embarrassing, but funny...

My DD's first year competing, she competed non-sanctioned during the meets our gym hosts. This is to give the little girls (and their parents) experience at how meets work. Now there was this little girl on team with DD who was scared to death during the meet. She started sobbing to break your heart as soon as she went out on the floor. As soon as her turn came on an event, she would stop crying, do the event, then start crying again. This lasted the entire meet. It broke our hearts, but also made all the parents laugh (including her own) to see her suck it up for her turn only to start crying again as soon as she was done.

Last year during awards at one meet, us parents couldn't help but laugh because just about every gymnast tripped on her way up the podium steps. Never mind that these were girls who just scored in the 9s on their respective events - they couldn't walk up steps without tripping.


We had an L4 ping off the high bar during her routine at a meet and land on her back. She didn't move for several minutes and you could hear the place holding it's breath waiting for her to get up. She did and even went on to perform her beam routine, but was in a LOT of obvious pain.
  • Getting a zero on vault in my first meet ever.
  • I was the kind of gymnast who would get really angry at herself when I missed in competition. Si I made a foul of myself a couple times...
  • I once did a tumbling pass directly on my head. I still have no idea what happened
Scary: I broke my wrist in warm-up doing a front handspring on floor.
This one isn't so much a competition moment, but my dd was performing a demo/dance at a local picnic BBQ type thing for the city, we had brought the top carpet of the floor for them to dance and tumble on, at one point in the day the floor go so hot from being in the sun all day , they couldn't stand still, one girl ran off the floor, the formation were out of wack and all of us parent we're cracking up because they were on the floor laughing, and jumping up and down, when they were supposed to be dancing so there feet would stop burning. In the end we did make sure all of the kids were fine but it was really funny.

An embarrassing competition moment, when my oldest dd was ten, she is now 16, it was her first level 4 competition because we had just moved to the states. She was standing getting ready to go on the floor, and she peed, some how still went out and did her floor routine, we then got her cleaned up, the fitness was nice enough to lend us another Leo to wear for the rest if the comp . We laugh about it now, but she was so embarrassed about it at the time .
During DDs first season competing (old L4), she was finally having a great bar routine. It looked very confident and had much more power than usual. Naturally, during her dismount, her right hand peeled off the bar. She sort of tried to save it and landed primarily on her left ankle at a very scary looking angle. I was on the verge if panic. Coach helped DD, and sat her down with her back to me. I could tell DD was crying, but couldn't see anything... And no one would make eye contact with me. I was shaking... I was so scared she'd really hurt herself.

After some ice and attempting a few handstands, DD got up and finished the meet (beam and floor were left). Coach confided that she had first thought "for sure" that DD broke her ankle, but commented that amazingly, it seemed ok. Luckily, it was just a sprain. DD remained terrified of that routine as long as she competed it. It never really got better than a bit tentative.

I hated that feeling of helplessness. And I still get anxious with bars.

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